Under Construction

Update von RPM-Paketen

Mit dem Kommando „yum update“ können entweder alle installierten RPM-Pakete oder einzelne RPM-Pakete aktualisiert werden. Werden keine Pakete angegeben, versucht YUM alle installierten RPM-Pakete zu aktualisieren:

aix01 # yum update
Setting up Update Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package bash.ppc 0:4.3-12 will be updated
---> Package bash.ppc 0:5.1.4-2 will be an update
---> Package bzip2.ppc 0:1.0.6-3 will be updated
---> Package bzip2.ppc 0:1.0.8-2 will be an update

Dependencies Resolved

Package                 Arch             Version                    Repository                    Size
bash                    ppc              5.1.4-2                    AIX_Toolbox                  2.8 M
bzip2                   ppc              1.0.8-2                    AIX_Toolbox                  238 k
cyrus-sasl              ppc              2.1.26-5                   AIX_Toolbox                  919 k
expat                   ppc              2.2.9-2                    AIX_Toolbox                  895 k
expect                  ppc              5.45.4-2                   AIX_Toolbox                  866 k
gdbm                    ppc              1.19-1                     AIX_Toolbox                  274 k

Transaction Summary
Install      10 Packages
Upgrade      32 Packages

Total download size: 147 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
(1/42): bash-5.1.4-2.aix6.1.ppc.rpm                                              | 2.8 MB  00:00:00    
(2/42): bzip2-1.0.8-2.aix6.1.ppc.rpm                                             | 238 kB  00:00:00    
(3/42): cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-5.aix6.1.ppc.rpm                                       | 919 kB  00:00:00    

Dependency Installed:
  fontconfig.ppc 0:2.11.95-4           freetype2.ppc 0:2.10.4-1         libXft.ppc 0:2.3.2-4waixX11    
  libXrender.ppc 0:0.9.8-3waixX11      libgomp.ppc 1:8-1                libgomp8.ppc 0:8.3.0-6         
  libpng.ppc 0:1.6.27-3                libtextstyle.ppc 0:0.20.2-1      libunistring.ppc 0:0.9.10-1    
  lz4.ppc 0:1.9.2-1                  

  bash.ppc 0:5.1.4-2                bzip2.ppc 0:1.0.8-2               cyrus-sasl.ppc 0:2.1.26-5        
  expat.ppc 0:2.2.9-2               expect.ppc 0:5.45.4-2             gdbm.ppc 0:1.19-1                
  gettext.ppc 0:0.20.2-1            glib2.ppc 0:2.56.1-3              info.ppc 0:6.7-1                 
  less.ppc 0:557-1                  libxml2.ppc 0:2.9.11-1            ncurses.ppc 0:6.2-3              
  popt.ppc 0:1.18-1                 pysqlite.ppc 0:2.8.3-2            python.ppc 0:2.7.18-3            
  python-devel.ppc 0:2.7.18-3       python-pycurl.ppc 0:7.43.0-1      python-tools.ppc 0:2.7.18-3      
  python3.ppc 0:3.7.11-1            readline.ppc 0:8.1-1              rsync.ppc 0:3.2.3-1              
  sqlite.ppc 0:3.35.5-1             tcl.ppc 0:8.6.11-1                tk.ppc 0:8.6.11-1                
  unzip.ppc 0:6.0-3                 vim-common.ppc 0:8.1.2424-2       vim-enhanced.ppc 0:8.1.2424-2    
  vim-minimal.ppc 0:8.1.2424-2      xz-libs.ppc 0:5.2.5-1             yum.noarch 0:3.4.3-8              
  zip.ppc 0:3.0-4                   zlib.ppc 0:1.2.11-2             

aix01 #

Es können aber auch einzelne RPM-Pakete aktualisiert werden, indem die RPM-Pakete angegeben werden (Wildcards sind möglich):

aix01 # yum update wget
Setting up Update Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package wget.ppc 0:1.19.2-1 will be updated
---> Package wget.ppc 0:1.21.1-1 will be an update
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

Package              Arch                Version                     Repository                   Size
wget                 ppc                 1.21.1-1                    AIX_Toolbox                 703 k

Transaction Summary
Upgrade       1 Package

Total size: 703 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
Running Transaction Check
Running Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
  Updating   : wget-1.21.1-1.ppc                                                                    1/2
From wget-1.21.1 onwards, symbolic link of wget in /usr/bin is removed.
The binary is shipped in /opt/freeware/bin. Please use absolute path or
add /opt/freeware/bin in PATH environment variable to use the binary.
  Cleanup    : wget-1.19.2-1.ppc                                                                    2/2

  wget.ppc 0:1.21.1-1                                                                                   

aix01 #

Anstelle von Paketnamen können auch Dateinamen angegeben werden. Wenn ein Argument ein Dateiname ist, wird das zugehörige RPM-Paket ermittelt und ein Update des zugehörigen RPM-Paketes durchgeführt:


aix01 # yum update /opt/freeware/bin/wget
Setting up Update Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package wget.ppc 0:1.19.2-1 will be updated
---> Package wget.ppc 0:1.21.1-1 will be an update
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

Package              Arch                Version                     Repository                   Size
wget                 ppc                 1.21.1-1                    AIX_Toolbox                 703 k

Transaction Summary
Upgrade       1 Package

Total size: 703 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
Running Transaction Check
Running Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
  Updating   : wget-1.21.1-1.ppc                                                                    1/2
From wget-1.21.1 onwards, symbolic link of wget in /usr/bin is removed.
The binary is shipped in /opt/freeware/bin. Please use absolute path or
add /opt/freeware/bin in PATH environment variable to use the binary.
  Cleanup    : wget-1.19.2-1.ppc                                                                    2/2

  wget.ppc 0:1.21.1-1                                                                                  

aix01 #

Hinweis: Es können auch mehrere RPM-Pakete den angegebenen Dateinamen enthalten, es werden dann alle RPM-Pakete die die angegebene Datei enthalten aktualisiert.

Mit dem Kommando „yum check-update“ (oder alternativ „yum list updates“) kann angezeigt werden, für welche der installierten RPM-Pakete es in den YUM-Repositories Updates gibt:

aix01 # yum check-update

bash.ppc                                          4.4-3                                         AIX_Toolbox      
bzip2.ppc                                         1.0.6-3                                       AIX_Toolbox      
ca-certificates.ppc                               2017.07.17-1                                  AIX_Toolbox      
curl.ppc                                          7.64.0-1                                      AIX_Toolbox      
fontconfig.ppc                                    2.11.95-3                                     AIX_Toolbox      
freetype2.ppc                                     2.8-1                                         AIX_Toolbox      
gdbm.ppc                                          1.12-1                                        AIX_Toolbox      
glib2.ppc                                         2.56.1-2                                      AIX_Toolbox      
gmp.ppc                                           6.1.2-1                                       AIX_Toolbox      
info.ppc                                          6.4-1                                         AIX_Toolbox      
less.ppc                                          487-1                                         AIX_Toolbox      
libXft.ppc                                        2.3.2-4waixX11                                AIX_Toolbox      
libXrender.ppc                                    0.9.8-2waixX11                                AIX_Toolbox      
libxml2.ppc                                       2.9.7-1                                       AIX_Toolbox      
popt.ppc                                          1.16-3                                        AIX_Toolbox      
pysqlite.ppc                                      2.8.3-1                                       AIX_Toolbox      
python.ppc                                        2.7.16-1                                      AIX_Toolbox      
python-pycurl.ppc                                 7.43.0-1                                      AIX_Toolbox      
rsync.ppc                                         3.1.3-2                                       AIX_Toolbox      
sqlite.ppc                                        3.27.1-1                                      AIX_Toolbox      
sudo.ppc                                          1.8.27-1                                      AIX_Toolbox      
tcl.ppc                                           8.6.8-2                                       AIX_Toolbox      
tk.ppc                                            8.6.8-2                                       AIX_Toolbox      
unzip.ppc                                         6.0-3                                         AIX_Toolbox      
vim-common.ppc                                    8.0-3                                         AIX_Toolbox      
vim-enhanced.ppc                                  8.0-3                                         AIX_Toolbox      
vim-minimal.ppc                                   8.0-3                                         AIX_Toolbox      
yum.noarch                                        3.4.3-7                                       AIX_Toolbox_noarch
zip.ppc                                           3.0-3                                         AIX_Toolbox      
zlib.ppc                                          1.2.11-1                                      AIX_Toolbox      
aix01 #

Bei Bedarf kann die Ausgabe auf einzelne RPM-Pakete eingeschränkt werden, indem diese als zusätzliches Argument angegeben werden:

aix01 # yum check-update bash z*                     

bash.ppc                                           4.4-3                                               AIX_Toolbox
zip.ppc                                            3.0-3                                               AIX_Toolbox
zlib.ppc                                           1.2.11-1                                            AIX_Toolbox
aix01 #