Under Construction

AIX-System mit direkter Internet-Anbindung

Hat ein AIX-System eine direkte Internet-Anbindung, dann ist die Installation von YUM relativ einfach. IBM stellt für diesen Fall das Installationsskript yum.sh zur Verfügung. Das Skript kann per FTP oder HTTP heruntergeladen werden und auf dem AIX-System gestartet werden. Das Skript übernimmt dann die komplette Installation von YUM.

Das Skript kann über den URL https://public.dhe.ibm.com/aix/freeSoftware/aixtoolbox/ezinstall/ppc/yum.sh heruntergeladen werden. Der Zugriff ist auch über FTP möglich. Wir verwenden anonymous FTP für den Download:

aix01 # ftp public.dhe.ibm.com
Connected to public.dhe.ibm.com.
220 server ready - login please
Name (public.dhe.ibm.com:root): anonymous
331 password required
Password: anonymous
230 login accepted
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> bin
200 Type set to I
ftp> passive
Passive mode  on.
ftp> cd aix/freeSoftware/aixtoolbox/ezinstall/ppc
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> get yum.sh
227 Entering Passive Mode (170,225,15,112,143,21)
150 Opening data connection for yum.sh (10372 bytes).
226 Transfer complete
10372 bytes received in 0.0269 secs (385.39 Kbytes/sec)
local: yum.sh remote: yum.sh
ftp> bye
221 goodbye
aix01 #

Das Skript übernimmt die folgenden Aufgaben:

    • Überprüfung auf ausreichenden Platz in den Dateisystemen /tmp und /opt.
    • Download der aktuelle Version des Filesets rpm.rte.
    • Download der für YUM benötigten RPM-Pakete (yum_bundle.tar).
    • Update von rpm.rte (falls nötig).
    • Installieren der benötigten RPM-Pakete.

Je nach Ausgangslage sind eventuell schon einige der benötigten RPMs installiert. Falls in yum_bundle.tar eine aktuellere Version enthalten ist, wird ein Update der betreffenden RPMs durchgeführt.

aix01 # sh yum.sh
Attempting download of rpm.rte & yum_bundle.tar ...
Installing rpm.rte at the latest version ...
This may take several minutes depending on the number of rpms installed...
                    Pre-installation Verification...
Verifying selections...done
Verifying requisites...done

  Filesets listed in this section passed pre-installation verification
  and will be installed.

  Selected Filesets
  rpm.rte                            # RPM Package Manager

  << End of Success Section >>

                   BUILDDATE Verification ...
Verifying build dates...done
    1  Selected to be installed, of which:
        1  Passed pre-installation verification
    1  Total to be installed

                         Installing Software...

installp: APPLYING software for:

Checking if rpm package is already owning
  some of the libraries and binaries.. 

. . . . . << Copyright notice for rpm.rte >> . . . . . . .
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

   Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2014, 2020-2021.
   Copyright "Cowboy" Ben Alman, 2010.
   Copyright Steven Benner (http://stevenbenner.com/), 2013.
   Copyright The Regents of the University of California, 1990, 1993, 1994.
  Copyright Ralf Corsepius <corsepiu@fedoraproject.org>, 2007.
   Copyright Vasil Dinkov, Vadikom Web Ltd., 2016.
   Copyright The Dojo Foundation, 2011.
   Copyright Ulrich Drepper <drepper@gnu.ai.mit.edu>, 1995-1997, 2000-2006.
   Copyright Tom Dyas <tdyas@eden.rutgers.edu>

, 1998.
   Copyright W. L. Estes <wlestes@uncg.edu>, 1998.
   Copyright Free Software Foundation, Inc., 1989, 1991-2018.
   Copyright Dave Furfero, 2011-2014.
   Copyright Neal Gompa <ngompa13@gmail.com>, 2015.
   Copyright Dimitri van Heesch, 1997-2017.
   Copyright The Internet Society (1998).
   Copyright Per Oeyvind Karlsen <proyvind@moondrake.org>, 2010.
   Copyright Dmitry V. Levin <ldv@altlinux.org>, 2019.
   Copyright Dan Nicholson <dbn.lists@gmail.com>, 2012-2015.
   Copyright Red Hat, Inc., 1998-2003, 2005, 2007, 2009-2011, 2016-2017.
   Copyright Red Hat Software, 1995-2002.
   Copyright Scott James Remnant <scott@netsplit.com>, 2004.
   Copyright John Resig, 2011.
   Copyright Enrico Scholz <enrico.scholz@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de>, 2004.
   Copyright System Design and Research, 2003.
   Copyright Julian Seward et al., 2002-2015.
   Copyright Mark J. Wielaard <mark@klomp.org>, 2016, 2019.
   Copyright X Consortium, 1994.

All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
. . . . . << End of copyright notice for rpm.rte >>. . . .

  This version of rpm installs files under the path /usr/opt/rpm.
  More detailed information on new changes can be found in
  /usr/opt/rpm/README file.

Please wait...
Successfully updated the Kernel Authorization Table.
Successfully updated the Kernel Role Table.
Successfully updated the Kernel Command Table.
Successfully updated the Kernel Device Table.
Successfully updated the Kernel Object Domain Table.
Successfully updated the Kernel  Domains Table.
Successfully updated the Kernel RBAC log level.
Successfully updated the Kernel Authorization Table.
Successfully updated the Kernel Role Table.
Successfully updated the Kernel Command Table.
Successfully updated the Kernel Device Table.
Successfully updated the Kernel Object Domain Table.
Successfully updated the Kernel  Domains Table.
Successfully updated the Kernel RBAC log level.
Finished processing all filesets.  (Total time:  25 secs).


Installation Summary
Name                        Level           Part        Event       Result
rpm.rte                   USR         APPLY       SUCCESS   
rpm.rte                   ROOT        APPLY       SUCCESS   

Extracting yum_bundle.tar ...
x ca-certificates-2016.10.7-2.aix6.1.ppc.rpm, 214726 bytes, 420 tape blocks
x curl-7.52.1-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm, 533288 bytes, 1042 tape blocks
x db-4.8.24-3.aix6.1.ppc.rpm, 2897799 bytes, 5660 tape blocks
x gdbm-1.8.3-5.aix5.2.ppc.rpm, 56991 bytes, 112 tape blocks
x gettext-0.19.7-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm, 4036762 bytes, 7885 tape blocks
x glib2-2.14.6-2.aix5.2.ppc.rpm, 1686134 bytes, 3294 tape blocks
x pysqlite-1.1.7-2.aix6.1.ppc.rpm, 51749 bytes, 102 tape blocks
x python-2.7.10-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm, 23333701 bytes, 45574 tape blocks
x python-devel-2.7.10-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm, 15366474 bytes, 30013 tape blocks
x python-iniparse-0.4-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm, 37912 bytes, 75 tape blocks
x python-pycurl-7.19.3-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm, 162093 bytes, 317 tape blocks
x python-tools-2.7.10-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm, 830446 bytes, 1622 tape blocks
x python-urlgrabber-3.10.1-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm, 158584 bytes, 310 tape blocks
x readline-6.1-2.aix6.1.ppc.rpm, 489547 bytes, 957 tape blocks
x sqlite-3.15.2-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm, 3570302 bytes, 6974 tape blocks
x yum-3.4.3-8.aix6.1.noarch.rpm, 1385622 bytes, 2707 tape blocks
x yum-metadata-parser-1.1.4-2.aix6.1.ppc.rpm, 62283 bytes, 122 tape blocks

Checking whether any of the rpms from yum_bundle are already installed ...

Package ca-certificates-2016.10.7-2 is already installed
Package curl-7.52.1-1 is already installed
Package db-4.8.24-3 is already installed
Package gdbm-1.8.3-5 is already installed
Skipping gettext-0.19.7-1 as higher version is already installed.
Please make sure these packages are from the Toolbox as there is no guarantee that
third party packages are compatible with Toolbox packages.

Package glib2-2.14.6-2 is already installed
pysqlite-1.1.7-2 will be installed ...
python-2.7.10-1 will be installed ...
python-devel-2.7.10-1 will be installed ...
python-iniparse-0.4-1 will be installed ...
python-pycurl-7.19.3-1 will be installed ...
python-tools-2.7.10-1 will be installed ...
python-urlgrabber-3.10.1-1 will be installed ...
Skipping readline-6.1-2 as higher version is already installed.
Please make sure these packages are from the Toolbox as there is no guarantee that
third party packages are compatible with Toolbox packages.

Package sqlite-3.15.2-1 is already installed
yum-3.4.3-8 will be installed ...
yum-metadata-parser-1.1.4-2 will be installed ...

Installing the packages...

Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:python-2.7.10-1                  ################################# [ 11%]
   2:pysqlite-1.1.7-2                 ################################# [ 22%]
   3:python-iniparse-0.4-1            ################################# [ 33%]
   4:python-pycurl-7.19.3-1           ################################# [ 44%]
   5:python-urlgrabber-3.10.1-1       ################################# [ 56%]
   6:yum-metadata-parser-1.1.4-2      ################################# [ 67%]
   7:yum-3.4.3-8                      ################################# [ 78%]
   8:python-devel-2.7.10-1            ################################# [ 89%]
   9:python-tools-2.7.10-1            ################################# [100%]

Yum installed successfully.
Please run 'yum update' to update packages to the latest level.

aix01 #

Es werden automatisch die offiziellen IBM AIX-Toolbox Repositories in /opt/freeware/etc/yum/yum.conf hinterlegt:

aix01 # cat /opt/freeware/etc/yum/yum.conf

name=AIX generic repository

name=AIX noarch repository

name=AIX 7.2 specific repository

aix01 #

YUM ist damit sofort betriebsbereit, wie auch das Kommando „yum repolist“ zeigt:

aix01 # yum repolist
AIX_Toolbox                                                                      | 2.9 kB  00:00:00    
AIX_Toolbox/primary_db                                                           | 1.8 MB  00:00:00    
AIX_Toolbox_72                                                                   | 2.9 kB  00:00:00    
AIX_Toolbox_72/primary_db                                                        | 289 kB  00:00:00    
AIX_Toolbox_noarch                                                               | 2.9 kB  00:00:00    
AIX_Toolbox_noarch/primary_db                                                    | 105 kB  00:00:00    
repo id                                     repo name                                             status
AIX_Toolbox                                 AIX generic repository                                2740
AIX_Toolbox_72                              AIX 7.2 specific repository                            417
AIX_Toolbox_noarch                          AIX noarch repository                                  301
repolist: 3458
aix01 #

Wie vom Installations-Skript yum.sh am Ende vorgeschlagen, aktualisieren wir die installierten RPMs:

aix01 # yum update
Setting up Update Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package bash.ppc 0:4.3-12 will be updated
---> Package bash.ppc 0:5.1.4-2 will be an update
--> Processing Dependency: libiconv >= 1.16 for package: bash-5.1.4-2.ppc
--> Processing Dependency: libiconv.a(libiconv.so.2) for package: bash-5.1.4-2.ppc

Dependencies Resolved

Package                    Arch           Version                      Repository                 Size
bash                       ppc            5.1.4-2                      AIX_Toolbox               2.8 M
bzip2                      ppc            1.0.8-2                      AIX_Toolbox               238 k
ca-certificates            ppc            2020.06.01-2                 AIX_Toolbox               925 k
curl                       ppc            7.79.1-1                     AIX_Toolbox               1.6 M

Transaction Summary
Install      18 Packages
Upgrade      36 Packages

Total download size: 162 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y

aix01 #

Damit können nun jederzeit weitere RPMs installiert oder aktualisiert werden.