2.4.1. Das Kommando hmc
Mit dem Kommando hmc können die verfügbaren HMCs verwaltet werden. Es werden die Verwaltung von Benutzern auf den HMCs, sowie die Verwaltung von Rollen (Task- und Resource-Rollen) abgedeckt. Zusätzlich lassen sich eine Vielzahl von Informationen der HMCs anzeigen. Eine vollständige Liste der Funktionen erhält man durch Starten des Kommandos ohne Argumente:
$ hmc
hmc [ ...] [ ...] [ ...]
hmc -L|-V
Recognized keywords:
add - Register HMC(s) with LPAR tool
addauthkeys - Add an authorized SSH key
chhmcfs - Free space in HMC file systems
chhmcusr - Change attributes of HMC user account
chresourcerole - Change managed resource role
chtaskrole - Change managed task role
chsvcevent - Update serviceable event on HMC
cmd - Execute command on HMC
connections - Display state of ssh master connections
disconnect - Exit a ssh master connection
flrt - Show FLRT report
history - Show state or configuration changes
list - List names of specified HMC(s)
lsauthkeys - List authorized SSH keys
lshmcfs - List HMC file system information
lshmcusr - Show HMC user accounts
lslic - List LIC levels available in hard disk repository
lslogon - Show logon informations for HMC
lslparmigr - List partiton mobility capabilities
lsnet - Display HMC network configuration
lsresource - Show all managed resource objects on the specified HMC
lsresourcerole - Show managed resource roles on the specified HMC
lssvcevents - Displays console or serviceable events
lssysconn - List all systems connected to the specified HMC
lstaskrole - Show managed task roles on the specified HMC
mkhmcusr - Create HMC user account
mkresourcerole - Create managed resource role
mktaskrole - Create managed task role
passwd - Change password
remove - Unregister HMC(s) from LPAR tool
rescan - Rereads cached informations from HMC(s)
rmauthkeys - Remove an authorized SSH key
rmhmcusr - Remove HMC user account
rmresourcerole - Remove managed resource role
rmtaskrole - Remove managed task role
show - Show specified HMC(s)
shutdown - Shut down or reboot
termtask - Terminate a task
version - Shows the HMC software version
help [{||usage}]