The videos in this category are freely available. At the moment only german versions are available.
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AIX-Talk: Filesystems
- Creating jfs2 filesystems
- Listing, changing and removing of filesystems
- Mounting and unmounting of filesystems
- Using the commands crfs, lsfs, chfs und rmfs
- Introduction of the file /etc/filesystems
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AIX-Talk: SRC Overview
- Overview of the System Resource Controller
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AIX-Talk: SRC Commands
- the daemon srcmstr
- Subsystems and subserver
- Starting, stopping and listing of subsystems
- Refresh of subsystems
- Starting, stopping and listing of subservers
- Using the commands startsrc, stopsrc, lssrc and refresh
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AIX-Talk: SRC Subsystems and Subserver
- Creating and managing of own subsystems and subserver
- Using notify in case of problems
- The commands mkssys, chssys and rmssys
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[video_player type=”youtube” style=”1″ dimensions=”custom” width=”576″ height=”324″ align=”left” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ ipad_color=”black”]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1VV2diSXhralZSVQ==[/video_player]
AIX-Talk: Pagingspace
- The task of paging space
- Listing, creating, changing and removing of paging space
- The commands mkps, chps, lsps and rmps
- The commands swapon, swapoff and swap
- The local configuration file /etc/swapspaces