Some Download Links for AIX Software

There are several sources for software for AIX. Depending on whether the software you are looking for is the operating system, fixes, or other software, there are different URLs for obtaining the software.

It is not always easy to find the right URLs, especially for the less experienced AIX administrator. We have therefore compiled some URLs below:

IBM Entitled Systems Support (

    • AIX installation images
    • IBM compiler

Fix Central (

    • AIX service packs (SP) and technology levels (TL)
    • fixes and updates for software, hardware and operating systems

AIX Web Download Pack Programs (

    • software packages such as: OpenSSH, OpenSSL, Rsyslog, Python3, Perl, NTPv4, …

AIX Toolbox for Open Source Software (

    • tools for software development: gcc, g++, git, subversion, …
    • programming languages: Perl, Python, PHP, …
    • libraries: zlib, glib2, libxml2, ncurses, …
    • shells: bash, tcsh, zsh
    • much more

Java on AIX (

    • IBM Semeru Runtimes
    • IBM Java SDK

Further details on downloading software can be found here:

Downloading Software

Connecting a Power 10 eBMC system to an HMC

This blog post will show how to connect a Power 10 eBMC managed system to an HMC. The necessary steps are shown once with the LPAR tool and then with the HMC CLI.

The HMC is configured as a DHCP server on the private network.

As soon as the managed system is connected to the HMC via one of the two HMC ports, the eBMC is assigned an IP address via DHCP from the HMC. The managed system can then be displayed using lssysconn:

$ hmc lssysconn hmc01
MTMS                STATE                                               TYPE      IPADDR        ALT_IPADDR   SP       SP_TYPE  SP_PHYS_LOC
0000-BMC*101272558  Pending Authentication - Password Updates Required  sys  unavailable  -        ebmc     -
hscroot@hmc01:~> lssysconn -r all
resource_type=sys,type_model_serial_num=9105-22B*89B34G2,sp_type=ebmc,ipaddr=,user_name=admin,alt_ipaddr=unavailable,state=Pending Authentication - Password Updates Required

The new Power 10 server can be clearly identified by its “Pending Authentication” state. As long as there is no connection to the HMC, eBMC systems are not displayed with their machine type, model and serial number. Instead, 0000 is used as the machine type, BMC is used instead of a model and the assigned IP address without decimal points is used instead of a serial number, resulting in 0000-BMC-101272558 in the above case.

The status “Pending Authentication” means that no password has yet been set for the eBMC user (admin). This can be done using chsyspwd. The managed system can be specified either via the IP address (here or the MTMS (here 0000-BMC-101272558):

$ hmc chsyspwd hmc01
Enter the new password: XXXXXXXXXX
Retype the new password: XXXXXXXXXX
Shared connection to hmc01 closed.
state of system connection is 'No Connection' waiting vor 'Connected' (17 trials remaining)
state of system connection is 'No Connection' waiting vor 'Connected' (16 trials remaining)
   Server-9105-22B-89B34G2(89B34G2) - 'Power Off'
hscroot@hmc01:~> chsyspwd -u admin -m 0000-BMC*102552558
Enter the new password: XXXXXXXXXX
Retype the new password: XXXXXXXXXX

The password is requested interactively.

After a while, the connection status changes to “Connected“, which can be easily checked using lssysconn.

For eBMC systems and the use of DHCP, the network interfaces used by the VMI must be reconfigured from static IPs to DHCP:

$ ms chvmi ms12 eth0 ipv4dhcp
$ ms chvmi ms12 eth1 ipv4dhcp
hscroot@hmc01:~> chsysconn -r vmi -m ms12 -o set -i eth0 -t ipv4dhcp
hscroot@hmc01:~> chsysconn -r vmi -m ms12 -o set -i eth1 -t ipv4dhcp

The managed system can then be powered on:

$ ms poweron ms12
hscroot@hmc01:~> chsysstate -m ms12 -r sys -o on

For a more detailed description, see Connecting a Managed System (eBMC) as a DHCP Client.

Status of LPARs

With the LPAR tool, the status of one, several or all LPARs can be easily determined using the “lpar status” command.

Example 1: Status of exactly one LPAR

$ lpar status aixdb21
         LPAR                                                    PROC     
aixdb21  10    aixlinux  Running  standard  1     active  2      0.2     50 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419

In addition to the status (Running), further information is displayed, such as

    • Name of the activated profile (here standard)
    • type of LPAR (here aixlinux)
    • State of the RMC connection to the HMC (here active)
    • Current number of processors (here 2)
    • Processing units (only for shared processor LPARs, here 0.2)
    • Current main memory size (here 50 GB)
    • Installed OS (here AIX 7.2 TL5 SP8)

Of course, any number of LPARs can be specified explicitly on the command line:

$ lpar status aixdb21 aixdb22 aixnim1
         LPAR                                                    PROC     
aixdb21  10    aixlinux  Running  standard  1     active  2      0.2     50 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixdb22  8     aixlinux  Running  standard  1     active  2      0.2     50 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixnim1  42    aixlinux  Running  standard  0     active  4      2.0      8 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-07-2346

Instead of the LPAR name, the serial number of an LPAR can also be specified.

Example 2: Status of multiple LPARs

The example shows all LPARs whose name starts with “aix” and ends with “1”:

$ lpar status "aix*1"
          LPAR                                                    PROC     
aixappl21 15    aixlinux  Running  standard  1     active  2      0.2     16 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixmaf01  44    aixlinux  Running  standard  0     active  2      0.2      8 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixmq01   28    aixlinux  Running  standard  1     active  2      0.2     32 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixora21  7     aixlinux  Running  standard  0     active  2      0.2     32 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixnim1   42    aixlinux  Running  standard  0     active  4      2.0      8 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-07-2346
aixtsmp01 3     aixlinux  Running  standard  1     active  4      -      280 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-07-2346
aixwas01  18    aixlinux  Running  standard  0     active  6      0.6    222 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419

The wildcards “*” and “?” known from the shell are supported. Instead of names, serial numbers including wildcards can be used here too. Multiple arguments can be specified here too.

It doesn’t matter which managed system the LPARs are on or which HMC they are connected to. The LPAR tool takes all HMCs and all managed systems into account!

Example 3: Status of all LPARs on a specific managed system

View the status of the LPARs on the managed system named ms12:

$ lpar status ms12
             LPAR                                                     PROC     
aixtsm02     40    aixlinux   Running  standard  1     active  3      -       96 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixtsmlib02  31    aixlinux   Running  standard  1     active  3      0.9     32 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixtsm06     4     aixlinux   Running  standard  1     active  2      -      168 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixwasmq02   3     aixlinux   Running  standard  1     active  8      1.0     84 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
ms02-vio1    1     vioserver  Running  standard  1     active  2      -       16 GB  VIOS
ms02-vio2    2     vioserver  Running  standard  0     active  2      -       16 GB  VIOS

Example 4: Status of all LPARs on all S1022 Managed Systems

$ lpar status 9105-22A
            LPAR                                                      PROC     
aixappl21   15    aixlinux   Running  standard   1     active  2      0.2     16 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixappl22   5     aixlinux   Running  standard   1     active  2      0.2     16 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixdb21     10    aixlinux   Running  standard   1     active  2      0.2     50 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixdb22     8     aixlinux   Running  standard   1     active  2      0.2     50 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixmq01     28    aixlinux   Running  standard   1     active  2      0.2     32 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixmq02     12    aixlinux   Running  standard   1     active  2      0.2     32 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixora21    7     aixlinux   Running  standard   0     active  2      0.2     32 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixora22    32    aixlinux   Running  standard   0     active  2      0.2     32 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419

Of course, further arguments can be given here as well.

Example 5: Status of all LPARs connected to a specific HMC

List the status of all LPARs connected to the HMC hmc03:

$ lpar status hmc03
           LPAR                                                             PROC     
web01      3     aixlinux   Running        standard  0     none      2      0.4     16 GB  Unknown
web02      5     aixlinux   Running        standard  1     none      2      0.2     16 GB  Unknown
web03      8     aixlinux   Running        standard  1     none      2      0.4     32 GB  Unknown
ms01-vio1  1     vioserver  Not Activated  standard  1     inactive  6      -        8 GB  Unknown
ms01-vio2  2     vioserver  Not Activated  standard  1     inactive  6      -        8 GB  Unknown
ms03-vio1  1     vioserver  Running        standard  1     active    6      2.0      8 GB  VIOS
ms03-vio2  2     vioserver  Running        standard  1     active    6      2.0      8 GB  VIOS

(Note: the HMC and the managed systems in this example are old and in the process of being dismantled.)

Example 6: Status of all LPARs on a specific HMC model

It is also possible to display only the LPARs that are connected to a specific HMC model, e.g. 7042-CR9:

$ lpar status 7042-CR9
           LPAR                                                             PROC     
web01      3     aixlinux   Running        standard  0     none      2      0.4     16 GB  Unknown
web02      5     aixlinux   Running        standard  1     none      2      0.2     16 GB  Unknown
web03      8     aixlinux   Running        standard  1     none      2      0.4     32 GB  Unknown
ms01-vio1  1     vioserver  Not Activated  standard  1     inactive  6      -        8 GB  Unknown
ms01-vio2  2     vioserver  Not Activated  standard  1     inactive  6      -        8 GB  Unknown
ms03-vio1  1     vioserver  Running        standard  1     active    6      2.0      8 GB  VIOS
ms03-vio2  2     vioserver  Running        standard  1     active    6      2.0      8 GB  VIOS

Note: The output is identical to the output in example 6 because the HMC hmc03 is the only 7042-CR9 HMC in the environment managed by the LPAR tool.

Example 7: Status of all LPARs of type Virtual I/O Server

You can also specifically display only virtual I/O servers. To do this, simply specify the value vioserver of the lpar_env attribute:

$ lpar status vioserver
           LPAR                                                             PROC     
ms11-vio1  1     vioserver  Running        standard  1     active    2      -       16 GB  VIOS
ms11-vio2  2     vioserver  Running        standard  1     active    2      -       16 GB  VIOS
ms16-vio1  1     vioserver  Running        standard  1     active    2      -       16 GB  VIOS
ms16-vio2  2     vioserver  Running        standard  1     active    2      -       16 GB  VIOS
ms21-vio1  1     vioserver  Running        standard  1     active    2      -       16 GB  VIOS
ms21-vio2  2     vioserver  Running        standard  1     active    2      -       16 GB  VIOS
ms26-vio1  1     vioserver  Running        standard  1     active    2      -       16 GB  VIOS
ms26-vio2  2     vioserver  Running        standard  0     active    2      -       16 GB  VIOS

Example 8: Status of all LPARs (all managed systems, all HMCs)

If the command “lpar status” is called without arguments, all LPARs are listed:

$ lpar status
           LPAR                                                                    PROC     
NAME       ID    LPAR_ENV   STATE          PROFILE          SYNC  RMC       PROCS  UNITS  MEM     OS_VERSION
aixappl21  15    aixlinux   Running        standard         1     active    2      0.2     16 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixappl22  5     aixlinux   Running        standard         1     active    2      0.2     16 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixdb21    10    aixlinux   Running        standard         1     active    2      0.2     50 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419
aixdb22    8     aixlinux   Running        standard         1     active    2      0.2     50 GB  AIX 7.2 7200-05-08-2419

Note: The runtime for the command was about 9 seconds. A total of 126 commands were issued on the HMC CLI on 5 different HMCs to display the status of about 500 LPARs.

There are many other ways to display only certain LPARs.

Overview of the LPAR tool.

HMC: Which network interfaces have a link

The HMC allows the network interface configuration to be displayed using the “lshmc -n” command. It cannot be determined from the output whether a network interface currently has a link or not. However, this can be determined relatively easily via the sysfs file system, mounted under /sys. First, you can use the following command to determine which network interfaces the HMC has:

hscroot@hmc02:~> ls -1d /sys/class/net/eth*

(Output is from a 7063-CR2.)

The link status is recorded in the operstate file and can be shown with a simple cat command:

hscroot@hmc02:~> cat /sys/class/net/eth*/operstate

In the example case shown, the first two network interfaces (eth0 and eth1) have the link status up.

The current speed can be displayed by showing the content of the speed file:

hscroot@hmc02:~> cat /sys/class/net/eth*/speed

There are a number of additional files for each network interface with additional information.

IBM PowerVM: Add a virtual Ethernet adapter to an LPAR

A virtual Ethernet adapter is to be added to the LPAR aix01 with IBM PowerVM. The data in detail:

    • HMC: hmc01
    • managed system: ms25
    • LPAR: aix01
    • profile: standard
    • virtual slot number: 4
    • Port-VLAN-ID: 900
    • virtual Ethernet switch: ETHERNET0(default)
    • additional VLANs: none

The command on the associated HMC hmc01 is:

hscroot@hmc01:~> chhwres -m ms25 -r virtualio --rsubtype eth -o a -p aix01 -s 2 -a 'ieee_virtual_eth=0,port_vlan_id=900'

If the currently used profile of the LPAR is not automatically synchronized, then the additional virtual Ethernet adapter should also be added to the profile:

hscroot@hmc01:~> chsyscfg -r prof -m ms25 -i 'lpar_name=aix01,name=standard,"virtual_eth_adapters+=""4/0/900///0"""'

With our LPAR tool, the command to use looks like this:

$ lpar addeth aix01 4 900

The current profile is automatically adjusted.

Detailed information on the LPAR tool and virtual Ethernet adapters can be found here: Virtual Ethernet

Error when deleting a SEA

The following SEA on a virtual I/O server is no longer required:

$ lsdev -dev ent48
name             status      description
ent48            Available   Shared Ethernet Adapter

Attempting to delete the SEA using rmvdev fails with the following error message:

$ rmvdev -sea ent48

Some error messages may contain invalid information
for the Virtual I/O Server environment.

Method error (/usr/lib/methods/ucfgcommo):
        0514-062 Cannot perform the requested function because the
                 specified device is busy.


The SEA is still in use. One possibility is the use of LLDP. This can be checked with the lsdev command:

$ lsdev -dev ent48 -attr lldpsvc


In this case LLDP is active on the SEA and must first be stopped before the SEA can be deleted. Stopping LLDP on the SEA can be easily done by changing the lldpsvc attribute to the value “no“:

$ chdev -dev ent48 -attr lldpsvc=no
ent48 changed

Another attempt to delete the SEA ent48 is now successful:

$ rmvdev -sea ent48
ent48 deletedError deleting a SEA

More information on SEAs can be found here: Shared Ethernet Adapter

Download AIX ISO images from IBM

This post shows how to download AIX installation ISO images from the IBM Entitled Systems Support website. A valid IBMid and a current IBM software maintenance agreement (SWMA) are required for the download. As an example we show the download of the AIX installation ISO images for AIX 7.2 TL5. However, ISO images for other AIX versions or other software, e.g. PowerHA, can also be downloaded in the same way.

AIX and other software can be downloaded from the IBM Entitled Systems Support website. The URL for the website is:

IBM Entitled Systems Support (ESS)
Click on “Log in” to log into IBM Entitled Systems Support (ESS)

In order to log in, you need a valid IBMid and a valid software maintenance contract. After clicking on the blue “Log in” button, a login mask appears.

Entitled Systems Support (ESS) Log in
Specify the IBMid and then click the “Continue” button.

After entering a valid IBMid and confirming with the “Continue” button, you will be asked for a password.

Entitled Systems Support (ESS) Password
After entering the password, log in with the “Log in” button.

After entering the password, the main page of Entitled Systems Support appears.

Entitled Systems Support
“My Entitled Software” can be selected to download software.

“My Entitled Software” should be selected to download software.

ESS My Entitled Software
To download AIX or other software, the “Software Downloads” link must be selected.

From the displayed selection of options, the “Software Downloads” link should be clicked.

ESS Software Downloads
Select category “AIX” and group “V7R2 (GA)” for AIX 7.2. Then click on the magnifying glass.

The software to be downloaded can be selected either by specifying the category, or the machine type, or by directly selecting a product. We show the variant “By category”, by selecting the category “AIX” and the desired version “V7R2 (GA)” for AIX 7.2.

ESS AIX 7.2 TL Support
To download a specific AIX 7.2 TL, “AIX 7.2 TL support” should be selected and then the selection should be confirmed with the “Continue” button.

From the list of available “AIX 7.2” products, “AIX 7.2 TL support” should be selected.

Select the AIX 7.2 TLs 05 and confirm with “Continue”.

From the list of available packages, the package for the desired TL (AIX 7.2 TL05) should be selected. Pressing the “Continue” button confirms the selection.

Before the software can finally be downloaded, IBM’s general terms and conditions must be confirmed.

ESS Software Downloads Terms and Conditions
The general terms and conditions must be confirmed here.

Next you have to select whether the download should be done via the browser or with the help of the download director. We have decided to download using a browser.

ESS Software Download method
We select download with the browser and confirm with “Continue”.

Next, the available images are displayed. We select the install images “AIX v7.2 Install DVD 1”, “AIX v7.2 Install DVD 2” and “AIX v7.2 Install flash”.

ESS Software Download Start
Start the download of the AIX 7.2 TL5 ISO images by clicking “AIX v7.2 Install DVD 1” and “AIX v7.2 Install DVD 2”.

The progress of the download can be followed via the browser:

ESS Software Download Progress
Download progress via the browser.

PowerHA, PowerVM or any other software can be downloaded in the same way via IBM Entitled Systems Support (ESS). However, a valid software maintenance contract for the corresponding software is always required.

LPAR tool: Console

lpar console

A console can be opened for an LPAR at any time using the LPAR tool:

$ lpar console lpar01
Open in progress
Open completed.
PowerPC Firmware
SMS 1.7 (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000,2008 All rights reserved.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Main Menu
1. Select Language
2. Setup Remote IPL (Initial Program Load)
3. Change SCSI Settings
4. Select Console
5. Select Boot Options

To terminate a console session, the escape sequence “~.” used.

Some LPAR tool commands support opening a console via the “-c” (console) option:

    • Activating an LPAR with “lpar activate -c“.
    • Shutting down an LPAR with “lpar shutdown -c“.
    • Shutting down the operating system with “lpar osshutdown -c“.
    • Initiating a system dump for an LPAR with “lpar dumprestart -c“.

A presentation on the subject can be found here: Console with the LPAR tool

ANS1592E Failed to initialize SSL protocol.

During a TSM operation, the following error message occurs:

# dsmc q sess -se=TSM01
IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Backup-Archive Client Interface
  Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 9.0
  Client date/time: 12/09/22   08:33:24
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2019. All Rights Reserved.

Node Name: aixdbt01
ANS1592E Failed to initialize SSL protocol.


A possible cause is the missing certificate of the associated TSM instance, in the above case TSM01. The missing certificate can be found on the TSM server in the directory of the instance. The instance directory is usually given to the TSM server process (dsmserv) when it is started with the “-i” option:

# ps -ef|grep dsmser[v]
   tsm01 29295008        1 1198   Nov 08      - 54389:56 /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv -i /appdata/cf/TSM01 -o /appdata/cf/TSM01/TSM01.opt -q

In this case /appdata/cf/TSM01 is the instance directory. This directory contains the instance’s certificate in the cert256.arm file:

# ls -l /appdata/cf/TSM01/cert256.arm
-rw-r--r--    1 tsm01    tsm            1164 Apr 13 2021  /appdata/cf/TSM01/cert256.arm

The certificate cert256.arm should then be copied to the client system, we assume it has been copied to /tmp.

The dsmcert command for managing certificates is located under /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin64. The certificate can then be installed (added) with the following call:

# cd /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin64
# ./dsmcert -add -server TSM01 -file /tmp/cert256.arm
IBM Spectrum Protect
dsmcert utility
  dsmcert Version 8, Release 1, Level 9.0
  dsmcert date/time: 12/09/22   08:44:26
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2019. All Rights Reserved.

Result : Success

Subsequent access to the TSM instance using e.g. “dsmc q sess” should then work:

# dsmc q sess -se=TSM01
IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Backup-Archive Client Interface
  Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 9.0
  Client date/time: 12/09/22   08:44:55
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2019. All Rights Reserved.

Node Name: aixdbt01
Session established with server TSM01: AIX
  Server Version 8, Release 1, Level 16.000
  Server date/time: 12/09/22   08:44:56  Last access: 12/09/22   03:02:56

IBM Spectrum Protect Server Connection Information

Home Server Name........: TSM01
Server Type.............: AIX
Archive Retain Protect..: "No"
Server Version..........: Ver. 8, Rel. 1, Lev. 16.0
Last Access Date........: 12/09/22   03:02:56
Delete Backup Files.....: "No"
Delete Archive Files....: "No"
Deduplication...........: "Server Only"

Node Name...............: aixdbt01
User Name...............: root

SSL Information.........: TLSv1.2 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

Secondary Server Information
Not configured for failover
