Mirror Pools: An Introduction

Many IT environments operate their systems in more than one data center. In order not to have any data loss in the event of a failure of an entire data center, the data is mirrored between 2 or more data centers. The mirroring can be realized by the storage (storage based mirroring) or by a volume manager (LVM in the case of AIX) on the server (host based mirroring). In the following we only consider mirroring using the AIX Logical Volume Manager. The aim is to show how the correct mirroring of logical volumes can be implemented with the help of mirror pools. In larger environments with many physical volumes, maintaining correct mirroring without mirror pools is difficult and a challenge for the administrator.

1. Our Test Environment

In our test environment we have created a scalable volume group with 4 physical volumes:

$  lsvg -p datavg01
hdisk4            active            39          39          08..08..07..08..08
hdisk5            active            39          39          08..08..07..08..08
hdisk8            active            39          39          08..08..07..08..08
hdisk9            active            39          39          08..08..07..08..08

The 4 physical volumes come from 2 different data centers, hdisk4 and hdisk5 come from the data center DC1 and hdisk8 and hdisk9 from the data center DC2.

2. The Problem

If a mirrored logical volume is created without a mapping file and without specifying the physical volumes to be used, then LVM allocates space on the physical volumes in the order in which the physical volumes are listed above.

# mklv -c 2 datavg01 10

Since hdisk4 and hdisk5 are the first physical volumes, these are used for the mirrored LV:

$ lslv -m lv00
LP    PP1  PV1               PP2  PV2               PP3  PV3
0001  0009 hdisk4            0009 hdisk5           
0002  0010 hdisk4            0010 hdisk5           
0003  0011 hdisk4            0011 hdisk5            
0004  0012 hdisk4            0012 hdisk5           
0005  0013 hdisk4            0013 hdisk5           
0006  0014 hdisk4            0014 hdisk5           
0007  0015 hdisk4            0015 hdisk5           
0008  0016 hdisk4            0016 hdisk5           
0009  0017 hdisk4            0017 hdisk5           
0010  0018 hdisk4            0018 hdisk5           

Both mirror copies are now in the DC1 data center! If the data center fails, the entire mirrored LV fails!

This can of course easily be done better by specifying the desired physical volumes when creating the LV:

# mklv -c 2 -t jfs2 datavg01 10 hdisk4 hdisk8

Now the LV is correctly mirrored between the two data centers:

$ lslv -m fslv00
LP    PP1  PV1               PP2  PV2               PP3  PV3
0001  0019 hdisk4            0009 hdisk8           
0002  0020 hdisk4            0010 hdisk8           
0003  0021 hdisk4            0011 hdisk8           
0004  0022 hdisk4            0012 hdisk8           
0005  0023 hdisk4            0013 hdisk8           
0006  0024 hdisk4            0014 hdisk8           
0007  0025 hdisk4            0015 hdisk8           
0008  0026 hdisk4            0016 hdisk8           
0009  0027 hdisk4            0017 hdisk8           
0010  0028 hdisk4            0018 hdisk8           

However, the administrator must know for each physical volume which data center it belongs to. This isn’t always easy to see.

What about expanding a LV?

To do this, we first investigate how much free space is available on which physical volumes:

$ lsvg -p datavg01
hdisk4            active            39          19          08..00..00..03..08
hdisk5            active            39          29          08..00..05..08..08
hdisk8            active            39          29          08..00..05..08..08
hdisk9            active            39          39          08..08..07..08..08

We extend the second LV (fslv00) by 20 LPs, initially without specifying physical volumes:

# extendlv fslv00 20

The mapping for the extended LV then looks like this:

$ lslv -m fslv00
LP    PP1  PV1               PP2  PV2               PP3  PV3
0001  0019 hdisk4            0009 hdisk8           
0002  0020 hdisk4            0010 hdisk8           
0003  0021 hdisk4            0011 hdisk8           
0004  0022 hdisk4            0012 hdisk8           
0005  0023 hdisk4            0013 hdisk8           
0006  0024 hdisk4            0014 hdisk8           
0007  0025 hdisk4            0015 hdisk8            
0008  0026 hdisk4            0016 hdisk8           
0009  0027 hdisk4            0017 hdisk8           
0010  0028 hdisk4            0018 hdisk8           
0011  0001 hdisk4            0009 hdisk9           
0012  0002 hdisk4            0010 hdisk9           
0013  0003 hdisk4            0011 hdisk9           
0014  0004 hdisk4            0012 hdisk9           
0015  0005 hdisk4            0013 hdisk9           
0016  0006 hdisk4            0014 hdisk9           
0017  0007 hdisk4            0015 hdisk9           
0018  0008 hdisk4            0016 hdisk9           
0019  0029 hdisk4            0017 hdisk9           
0020  0030 hdisk4            0018 hdisk9           
0021  0031 hdisk4            0019 hdisk9           
0022  0032 hdisk4            0020 hdisk9           
0023  0033 hdisk4            0021 hdisk9           
0024  0034 hdisk4            0022 hdisk9           
0025  0035 hdisk4            0023 hdisk9           
0026  0036 hdisk4            0001 hdisk9           
0027  0037 hdisk4            0002 hdisk9           
0028  0038 hdisk4            0003 hdisk9           
0029  0039 hdisk4            0004 hdisk9           
0030  0019 hdisk8            0005 hdisk9           

The first mirror copy is now on hdisk4 and hdisk8 and is thus distributed over 2 data centers. The second mirror copy is on hdisk8 and hdisk9 and therefore entirely in the second data center. If the second data center fails, access to LP (Logical Partition) 30 is lost!

Again, by specifying the desired physical volumes when extendeding the LV should correctly mirror across the two data centers. For this we have deleted the LV fslv00 and created it again as originally:

# rmlv -f fslv00
rmlv: Logical volume fslv00 is removed.
# mklv -c 2 -t jfs2 datavg01 10 hdisk4 hdisk8

We extend the LV again and explicitly specify hdisk5 (DC1) and hdisk9 (DC2) as physical volumes for the expansion of the LV. There are enough free PPs (physical partitions) available on both physical volumes:

# extendlv fslv00 20 hdisk5 hdisk9

A quick look at the resulting mapping unfortunately shows that this did not had the desired effect:

$ lslv -m fslv00
LP    PP1  PV1               PP2  PV2               PP3  PV3
0001  0019 hdisk4            0009 hdisk8           
0002  0020 hdisk4            0010 hdisk8           
0003  0021 hdisk4            0011 hdisk8           
0004  0022 hdisk4            0012 hdisk8           
0005  0023 hdisk4            0013 hdisk8           
0006  0024 hdisk4            0014 hdisk8           
0007  0025 hdisk4            0015 hdisk8           
0008  0026 hdisk4            0016 hdisk8           
0009  0027 hdisk4            0017 hdisk8           
0010  0028 hdisk4            0018 hdisk8            
0011  0009 hdisk9            0019 hdisk5           
0012  0010 hdisk9            0020 hdisk5           
0013  0011 hdisk9            0021 hdisk5           
0014  0012 hdisk9            0022 hdisk5           
0015  0013 hdisk9            0023 hdisk5           
0016  0014 hdisk9            0001 hdisk5           
0017  0015 hdisk9            0002 hdisk5           
0018  0016 hdisk9            0003 hdisk5           
0019  0017 hdisk9            0004 hdisk5            
0020  0018 hdisk9            0005 hdisk5           
0021  0019 hdisk9            0006 hdisk5           
0022  0020 hdisk9            0007 hdisk5           
0023  0021 hdisk9            0008 hdisk5           
0024  0022 hdisk9            0024 hdisk5           
0025  0023 hdisk9            0025 hdisk5           
0026  0001 hdisk9            0026 hdisk5           
0027  0002 hdisk9            0027 hdisk5           
0028  0003 hdisk9            0028 hdisk5           
0029  0004 hdisk9            0029 hdisk5           
0030  0005 hdisk9            0030 hdisk5           

Unfortunately the hdisk5 was not used for the first copy but for the second copy as expected and the hdisk9 was used for the second copy rather than the first copy. This means that both copies are distributed across both data centers! A failure of one of the two data centers would have fatal effects on the availability of the LV.

But that means that even in such a simple case you have to work with a mapping file in order to achieve correct mirroring between the data centers. For the sake of completeness, we have deleted the LV and created it again. We created the following mapping file for the extension:

$ cat mapfile

If you now extend the LV with the mapping file, the correct mirroring between the data centers is retained:

# extendlv -m mapfile fslv00 20
$ lslv -m fslv00
LP    PP1  PV1               PP2  PV2               PP3  PV3
0001  0019 hdisk4            0009 hdisk8           
0002  0020 hdisk4            0010 hdisk8           
0003  0021 hdisk4            0011 hdisk8           
0004  0022 hdisk4            0012 hdisk8           
0005  0023 hdisk4            0013 hdisk8           
0006  0024 hdisk4            0014 hdisk8           
0007  0025 hdisk4            0015 hdisk8           
0008  0026 hdisk4            0016 hdisk8           
0009  0027 hdisk4            0017 hdisk8            
0010  0028 hdisk4            0018 hdisk8           
0011  0019 hdisk5            0019 hdisk9           
0012  0020 hdisk5            0020 hdisk9           
0013  0021 hdisk5            0021 hdisk9           
0014  0022 hdisk5            0022 hdisk9           
0015  0023 hdisk5            0023 hdisk9           
0016  0024 hdisk5            0024 hdisk9           
0017  0025 hdisk5            0025 hdisk9           
0018  0026 hdisk5            0026 hdisk9           
0019  0027 hdisk5            0027 hdisk9           
0020  0028 hdisk5            0028 hdisk9           
0021  0029 hdisk5            0029 hdisk9           
0022  0030 hdisk5            0030 hdisk9           
0023  0031 hdisk5            0031 hdisk9           
0024  0032 hdisk5            0032 hdisk9           
0025  0033 hdisk5            0033 hdisk9           
0026  0034 hdisk5            0034 hdisk9           
0027  0035 hdisk5            0035 hdisk9           
0028  0036 hdisk5            0036 hdisk9           
0029  0037 hdisk5            0037 hdisk9           
0030  0038 hdisk5            0038 hdisk9           

As expected, the mirror copy 1 is on hdisk4 and hdisk5 and thus in the data center DC1 and the copy 2 on hdisk8 and hdisk9 and thus in DC2. However, it is very time-consuming to create a mapping file for each extension.

Finally, let’s look at the case of a filesystem extension. To do this, we delete the LV again and recreate it and then create a file system on the LV:

# mklv -c 2 -t jfs2 datavg01 10 hdisk4 hdisk8
# crfs -v jfs2 -d /dev/fslv00 -m /fs00 -a log=INLINE
File system created successfully.
2610916 kilobytes total disk space.
New File System size is 5242880
# mount /fs00

We now extend the mounted file system by 5 GB:

# chfs -a size=+5G /fs00
Filesystem size changed to 15728640
Inlinelog size changed to 30 MB.

Neither physical volumes nor a mapping file can be specified with the chfs command. This means that it is not possible to specifically determine which physical volumes are used for the extension when expanding the file system. Accordingly, after the file system expansion, both mirror copies are again located in both data centers:

$ lslv -m fslv00
LP    PP1  PV1               PP2  PV2               PP3  PV3
0001  0019 hdisk4            0009 hdisk8           
0002  0020 hdisk4            0010 hdisk8           
0003  0021 hdisk4            0011 hdisk8           
0004  0022 hdisk4            0012 hdisk8           
0005  0023 hdisk4            0013 hdisk8           
0006  0024 hdisk4            0014 hdisk8           
0007  0025 hdisk4            0015 hdisk8           
0008  0026 hdisk4            0016 hdisk8           
0009  0027 hdisk4            0017 hdisk8           
0010  0028 hdisk4            0018 hdisk8           
0011  0001 hdisk4            0009 hdisk9           
0012  0002 hdisk4            0010 hdisk9           
0013  0003 hdisk4            0011 hdisk9           
0014  0004 hdisk4            0012 hdisk9           
0015  0005 hdisk4            0013 hdisk9           
0016  0006 hdisk4            0014 hdisk9           
0017  0007 hdisk4            0015 hdisk9            
0018  0008 hdisk4            0016 hdisk9           
0019  0029 hdisk4            0017 hdisk9           
0020  0030 hdisk4            0018 hdisk9           
0021  0031 hdisk4            0019 hdisk9           
0022  0032 hdisk4            0020 hdisk9           
0023  0033 hdisk4            0021 hdisk9           
0024  0034 hdisk4            0022 hdisk9           
0025  0035 hdisk4            0023 hdisk9           
0026  0036 hdisk4            0001 hdisk9           
0027  0037 hdisk4            0002 hdisk9           
0028  0038 hdisk4            0003 hdisk9           
0029  0039 hdisk4            0004 hdisk9           
0030  0019 hdisk8            0005 hdisk9           

As a workaround, you can first use extendlv with a mapping file and then run chfs for the file system extension.

Conclusion: Correct mirroring between data centers is very difficult to achieve without mirror pools. Even simple LVM operations can lead to surprising results, as some of the examples have shown.

3. Using Mirror Pools

The idea with mirror pools is to organize the physical volumes in pools and then to assign the mirror copies to these pools. Mirror pools can only be configured for scalable VGs.

First of all, the physical volumes must be assigned to the mirror pools. In our case, the physical volumes come from the two data centers DC1 and DC2, which suggests creating 2 mirror pools, one for the physical volumes from DC1 and one for the physical volumes from DC2.

# chpv -p DC1 hdisk4
# chpv -p DC1 hdisk5
# chpv -p DC2 hdisk8
# chpv -p DC2 hdisk9

Which physical volume belongs to which mirror pool can easily be found out using the ‘-P‘ option with the lsvg command:

# lsvg -P datavg01
Physical Volume   Mirror Pool      
hdisk4            DC1              
hdisk5            DC1              
hdisk8            DC2              
hdisk9            DC2              

A mirror pool always belongs to a VG. Each VG has mirror pools that are independent of other VGs.

Whether and how mirror pools are used in a VG depends on the mirror pool strictness. The mirror pool strictness is an attribute of the VG and defines for the entire VG how mirror pools are to be used. The attribute can be set using the ‘-M‘ option when creating a VG with mkvg or subsequently with chvg. The possible values are the following:

n – No, Mirror pools can be used, but do not have to be used (default)
y – Yes, Mirror pools must be used; a mirror pool must be assigned to each mirror copy
s – Super-strict: Mirror pools must be used; each mirror pool must have at least one mirror copy of each LV.

By default, the mirror pool strictness of a VG is set to ‘n‘. It is therefore not required to use mirror pools.

When creating an LV, you can assign a mirror pool to each mirror copy:

# mklv -c 2 -t jfs2 -p copy1=DC1 -p copy2=DC2 datavg01 10

The mirror copies are now in the corresponding mirror pools as specified:

$ lslv -m fslv00
LP    PP1  PV1               PP2  PV2               PP3  PV3
0001  0019 hdisk4            0009 hdisk8           
0002  0020 hdisk4            0010 hdisk8           
0003  0021 hdisk4            0011 hdisk8           
0004  0022 hdisk4            0012 hdisk8           
0005  0023 hdisk4            0013 hdisk8           
0006  0024 hdisk4            0014 hdisk8           
0007  0025 hdisk4            0015 hdisk8           
0008  0026 hdisk4            0016 hdisk8           
0009  0027 hdisk4            0017 hdisk8           
0010  0028 hdisk4            0018 hdisk8           

An extension of the LV, with extendlv or chfs, is now carried out for each mirror copy only by using physical volumes of the associated mirror pool:

$ lslv -m fslv00
LP    PP1  PV1               PP2  PV2               PP3  PV3
0001  0019 hdisk4            0009 hdisk8           
0002  0020 hdisk4            0010 hdisk8           
0003  0021 hdisk4            0011 hdisk8           
0004  0022 hdisk4            0012 hdisk8           
0005  0023 hdisk4            0013 hdisk8           
0006  0024 hdisk4            0014 hdisk8           
0007  0025 hdisk4            0015 hdisk8           
0008  0026 hdisk4            0016 hdisk8           
0009  0027 hdisk4            0017 hdisk8           
0010  0028 hdisk4            0018 hdisk8           
0011  0001 hdisk4            0019 hdisk8           
0012  0002 hdisk4            0020 hdisk8           
0013  0003 hdisk4            0021 hdisk8            
0014  0004 hdisk4            0022 hdisk8           
0015  0005 hdisk4            0023 hdisk8           
0016  0006 hdisk4            0001 hdisk8           
0017  0007 hdisk4            0002 hdisk8           
0018  0008 hdisk4            0003 hdisk8           
0019  0029 hdisk4            0004 hdisk8           
0020  0030 hdisk4            0005 hdisk8           
0021  0031 hdisk4            0006 hdisk8           
0022  0032 hdisk4            0007 hdisk8           
0023  0033 hdisk4            0008 hdisk8           
0024  0034 hdisk4            0024 hdisk8           
0025  0035 hdisk4            0025 hdisk8           
0026  0036 hdisk4            0026 hdisk8           
0027  0037 hdisk4            0027 hdisk8           
0028  0038 hdisk4            0028 hdisk8           
0029  0039 hdisk4            0029 hdisk8           
0030  0019 hdisk5            0030 hdisk8           

Since intra and inter physical volume allocation policies are still taken into account, this can lead to different mappings for the mirror copies (mirror copy 1 uses hdisk4 and hdisk5 and thus 2 physical volumes, mirror copy 2 only uses hdisk8 and therefore only 1 physical volume), but physical volumes from 2 different data centers are no longer used within a mirror copy! By specifying the desired physical volumes, you can of course achieve that both mirror copies use PPs from specific physical volumes and thus both mirror copies use 2 physical volumes:

# extendlv fslv00 20 hdisk5 hdisk9

If physical volumes and mirror copies are assigned to mirror pools, it is very easy to maintain correct mirroring between data centers.

See also:

Mirror Pools: Understanding Mirror Pool Strictness

Michael Perzl: Introduction to AIX Mirror Pools

AIX LVM: Mechanics of migratepv (Part I)

AIX LVM: Mechanics of migratepv (Part II)

AIX LVM: Mechanics of migratepv (Part III)

AIX LVM: Mechanics of migratelp