
ProbeVue: Practical Introduction
ProbeVue: Practical Introduction
ProbeVue: Practical Introduction
Since the introduction of ProbeVue on AIX 6.1, IBM has supported dynamic tracing on AIX. ProbeVue is particularly suitable for online debugging and troubleshooting, as well as performance analysis and monitoring. So-called sample points in the kernel or user programs can be activated dynamically in order to collect interesting data which can then be evaluated. ProbeVue is designed to be safe to run and therefore can be used on production systems. In this introduction, ProbeVue is to be briefly introduced and it is shown how to write and start simple (Vue) programs.

ProbeVue: Practical Introduction II
ProbeVue: Practical Introduction II
ProbeVue: Practical Introduction II
In the second part of the practical introduction of ProbeVue, the use of the interval probe manager and the special BEGIN clause will be presented. To illustrate this, a small monitoring tool, the process activity reporter (Vue script par.e), is to be developed as a continuous example. This should output the number of read and write system calls and the data transferred in KB/s for a selected process at 1 second intervals.