Virtual I/O Server: Troubleshooting LLDP

If LLDP does not work as expected, you’ll get very little information from lldpd by default. This article will show you how to get error messages from lldpd. In addition, the treatment of some possible errors with lldpd will be briefly discussed.

The lldpd is started from the script /etc/rc.vnet (entry in /etc/inittab), when the virtual I/O server is booted. The lldpd runs as a service under the control of the System Resource Controller SRC. For troubleshooting, it is recommended to stop the lldpd service and to start the daemon manually. The daemon has some undocumented options, including the “-d” and “-v” options. The option “-d” allows to start the daemon in the foreground. The option “-v” is only valid when using the option “-d” and ensures that messages (in particular error messages) of the lldpd are sent to the standard output:

/usr/sbin/lldpd [-A]  [-d [-v]]
   -A   accepting all supported LLDP multicast addresses
   -d   run in foregrund (debugging)
   -v   verbose output to standard out

By default, lldpd messages are logged via syslog (facility daemon). The lldpd is started by default by the SRC without any arguments.

We stop the service first and then start the daemon manually with the options “-d -v” on the command line. This requires root privileges (oem_setup_env):

padmin > oem_setup_env
# stopsrc -s lldpd
0513-044 The lldpd Subsystem was requested to stop.
# lldpd -d -v
lldpd: 0810-013 starting lldpd
lldpd: 0810-016 waiting for incoming message or signal

In a second window, we start a query for the list of ports on which LLDP is used:

padmin> oem_setup_env
# lldpctl show portlist
lldpctl: 0812-001 lldpd is currently not managing any ports

On our system, LLDP is currently not used on any port. The output of the lldpd is interesting:

lldpd: 0810-024 unix domain connection received
lldpd: 0810-016 waiting for incoming message or signal
lldpd: 0810-020 unix domain message received
lldpd: 0810-070 received GETPORTLIST request
lldpd: 0810-016 waiting for incoming message or signal

You can see from the output, that communication is performed using a unix domain socket (/var/run/lldpdsock), and then the list of ports is queried (GETPORTLIST).

Next, we enable LLDP on the shared ethernet adapter ent15. This can be done permanently, by setting the attribute lldpsvc=yes and the command lldpsync, or manually with the command lldpctl:

# lldpctl add ent15
lldpctl: 0812-005 successfully added port ent15

Again, let’s take a quick look at the output of lldpd:

lldpd: 0810-024 unix domain connection received
lldpd: 0810-016 waiting for incoming message or signal
lldpd: 0810-020 unix domain message received
lldpd: 0810-076 received ADDPORT request
lldpd: 0810-023 sending LLDPDU on port ent15
lldpd: 0810-079 port ent15 added successfully
lldpd: 0810-016 waiting for incoming message or signal

Again, you can see a connection using a unix domain socket and the registering of the port (ADDPORT). In addition, an LLDP packet is then sent immediately by the lldpd.

A few seconds later, one or more LLDP packets should have arrived from the connected switch, here is the corresponding output of the lldpd:

lldpd: 0810-016 waiting for incoming message or signal
lldpd: 0810-022 LLDPDU received on port ent15
lldpd: 0810-040 processing frame
lldpd: 0810-043 neighbor LLDPDU is valid
lldpd: 0810-047 updating existing neighbor
lldpd: 0810-048 starting rxInfoTTL timer (120 seconds) on port ent15
lldpd: 0810-008 checking EVB status

The switch should now be known on the virtual I/O server! We check this by querying the neighbor information with the command lldpctl:

# lldpctl show neighbor ent15
MSAP: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX Eth101/1/5
        Received on port: ent15
                Chassis ID: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX (MAC address)
                Port ID: Eth101/1/5 (locally assigned)
                TTL: 120
                Port Description: Ethernet101/1/5
                System Name: switch01
                System Description: Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software 9.2(2)

As the output shows, the switch is a Cisco switch. The messages of the lldpd due to the command are the following:

lldpd: 0810-016 waiting for incoming message or signal
lldpd: 0810-020 unix domain message received
lldpd: 0810-073 received GETNEIGHBOR request

Next, let’s look at a case where LLDP can not be successfully activated. We show this using another shared ethernet adapter, ent10. Again, we manually enable LLDP on the adapter again:

# lldpctl add ent10
lldpctl: 0812-005 successfully added port ent10

This looks pretty good at first, and the messages from lldpd confirm this:

lldpd: 0810-024 unix domain connection received
lldpd: 0810-016 waiting for incoming message or signal
lldpd: 0810-020 unix domain message received
lldpd: 0810-076 received ADDPORT request
lldpd: 0810-023 sending LLDPDU on port ent10
lldpd: 0810-079 port ent10 added successfully

However, if you wait some time (maximum 2 minutes), and then try to display the information on the neighbor (switch), you get the following error message:

# lldpctl show neighbor ent10
lldpctl: 0812-003 failed to get neighbor information on port ent10
lldpctl: 0812-013 neighbor information is not available for port ent10

One possibility, of course, is that the switch does not send any LLDP packets. In that case, of course, there is no information about the switch using LLDP.

We look at the output of the lldpd and find the following messages for ent10 at regular intervals:

lldpd: 0810-016 waiting for incoming message or signal
lldpd: 0810-022 LLDPDU received on port ent10
lldpd: 0810-040 processing frame
lldpd: 0810-050 not sent to LLDP multicast address
lldpd: 0810-042 frame was discarded

An LLDP packet has apparently arrived (LLDPDU received on port ent10), has been processed (processing frame) and was then discarded (frame was discarded), because it has not been sent to the expected LLDP multicast address.

We take a closer look at the LLDP packets on the shared ethernet adapter ent10 with tcpdump. We first bring the associated interface “up”:

# chdev -l en10 -a state=up
en10 changed

Then we start tcpdump on the interface. We are only interested in LLDP packets (type/proto is 0x88cc):

# tcpdump -i en11 -e -n -v ether proto 0x88cc
tcpdump: WARNING: BIOCPROMISC: Operation not supported on socket
tcpdump: listening on en11, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
12:19:43.103134 XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX > 01:80:c2:00:00:0e, ethertype LLDP (0x88cc), length 345: LLDP, length 331
        Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
          Subtype MAC address (4): XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
        Port ID TLV (2), length 12
          Subtype Local (7): Eth120/1/17
        Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 120s
        Port Description TLV (4), length 16: Ethernet120/1/17
        System Name TLV (5), length 25: switch13
        System Description TLV (6), length 149
          Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software\0x0aTAC support:\0x0aCopyright (c) 2002-2014, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
        System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
          System  Capabilities [Bridge] (0x0004)
          Enabled Capabilities [Bridge] (0x0004)
        Management Address TLV (8), length 12
          Management Address length 5, AFI IPv4 (1): X.X.X.X
          Interface Index Interface Numbering (2): 83886080

The switch sends the LLDP packets to the multicast address 01: 80: c2: 00: 00: 0e, but by default the lldpd daemon expects the packets to be sent to the multicast address 01: 80: c2: 00: 00: 00. A request to IBM Support showed that the lldpd daemon can be started with the (undocumented) option “-A” to recognize the multicast address 01: 80: c2: 00: 00: 0e in addition. We will try this out by stopping the lldpd (Control-C) and then restarting it and adding the option “-A“:

# lldpd -d -v -A                            
lldpd: 0810-013 starting lldpd
lldpd: 0810-016 waiting for incoming message or signal

As before, we manually add the adapter ent10 back to the port list:

# lldpctl add ent10
lldpctl: 0812-005 successfully added port ent10

After a short time the lldpd daemon shows messages about incoming LLDP packets and this time they are considered as valid:

lldpd: 0810-016 waiting for incoming message or signal
lldpd: 0810-022 LLDPDU received on port ent10
lldpd: 0810-040 processing frame
lldpd: 0810-043 neighbor LLDPDU is valid
lldpd: 0810-047 updating existing neighbor
lldpd: 0810-048 starting rxInfoTTL timer (120 seconds) on port ent10
lldpd: 0810-008 checking EVB status

We stop tcpdump and remove the interface en10:

# rmdev -l en10
en10 Defined

Since the lldpd daemon is started at boot time via SRC, we add the argument “-A” for the lldpd in the ODM:

# chssys –s lldpd –a –A
0513-077 Subsystem has been changed.

The problem should be solved. We stop the interactively started lldpd daemon and activate lldpd again via the SRC:

(Control-C) Beenden des lldpd
# startsrc -s lldpd
0513-059 The lldpd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 23396416.
# ps -ef|grep lldpd
    root 21954710 22609950   0 12:36:33  pts/0  0:00 grep lldpd
    root 23396416  7209188   0 12:36:28      -  0:00 /usr/sbin/lldpd -A

The lldpd daemon has now been started with the option “-A” as the ps-output confirms.

For all shared Ethernet adapters where LLDP is to be used, the attribute lldpsvc=yes should be set. These are then automatically made known to the lldpd daemon at boot time:

# chdev –l ent10 –a lldpdvc=yes
ent11 changed

The lldpsync command can be used to manually register the configured shared sthernet adapters with the lldpd daemon:

# lldpsync

(For newer versions of IOS, setting the attribute is enough, starting lldpsync is not necessary.)

# lldpctl show portlist

Virtual-I/O-Server: Configuring LLDP

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