4.1. What LPARs are out there?

A list of all LPARs in a PowerVM environment can be printed with the “lpar show” command:

$ lpar show
aix01  3   12AF033  aixlinux  ms03  hmc01,hmc02
aix02  3   12BF033  aixlinux  ms04  hmc01,hmc02
aix03  11  12AF03B  aixlinux  ms03  hmc01,hmc02
aix04  19  12BF03J  aixlinux  ms04  hmc01,hmc02
aix05  4   7830W44  aixlinux  ms07  hmc03


General information such as name, LPAR ID, serial number, type of LPAR, associated managed system and the associated HMC(s) are displayed for each LPAR. This information is saved locally in a cache by the LPAR tool (default: ~/lpar.list). The cache can be updated with the help of the command “hmc rescan“. All known HMCs are queried and a list of all managed systems and LPARs is created and saved locally.

$ hmc rescan
    > aix01
    > aix03
    > lpar17
    > ms03-vio2
    > ms03-vio1
    > aix02
    > aix04
    > lpar18


Depending on the size of the environment, this can take a few seconds because a large number of commands have to be issued on the HMCs.

If you only need information about certain LPARs, the LPARs of interest can be given as arguments:

$ lpar show aix01 aix05
aix01  3   12AF033  aixlinux  ms03  hmc01,hmc02
aix05  4   7830W44  aixlinux  ms07  hmc03

The possibility of using wildcards is very useful, for example, it is easy to list all LPARs whose names begin with “aix“:

$ lpar show „aix*“
aix01  3   12AF033  aixlinux  ms03  hmc01,hmc02
aix02  3   12BF033  aixlinux  ms04  hmc01,hmc02
aix03  11  12AF03B  aixlinux  ms03  hmc01,hmc02
aix04  19  12BF03J  aixlinux  ms04  hmc01,hmc02
aix05  4   7830W44  aixlinux  ms07  hmc03


(The quotation marks can also be omitted if there are no files in the current directory that match the wildcard. Without quotation marks, a wildcard is interpreted by the shell and replaced by the result of the matching.)

Often only the LPARs on a certain managed system are of interest, for this purpose the “lpar show” command offers the option of specifying the managed system of interest with the “-m” option:

$ lpar show -m ms04
aix02  3   12BF033  aixlinux  ms04  hmc01,hmc02
aix04  19  12BF03J  aixlinux  ms04  hmc01,hmc02
ms04-vio1  1  12BF031  vioserver  ms04  hmc01,hmc02
ms04-vio2  2  12BF032  vioserver  ms04  hmc01,hmc02