PowerCampus 01
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Virtualization with PowerVM > The Hardware Management Console > Managing Virtual I/O Server Installation Images
Virtual I/O server installation images on an HMC can be changed using the “hmc chviosimg” command. Currently, only the name of an image can be changed by setting the new_name attribute.
We show this with the following example:
LPAR-Tool$ hmc lsviosimg hmc01NAME SIZE IMAGE_FILESVirtual_IO_Server_Base_Install_4.1.0.0 3487.68 dvdimage.v1.isoVIOS_3.1.4.30 6063.53 dvdimage.v1.iso,dvdimage.v2.iso$ HMC-CLIhscroot@hmc01:~> lsviosimgname=Virtual_IO_Server_Base_Install_4.1.0.0,image_files=dvdimage.v1.iso,size=3487.68name=VIOS_3.1.4.30,"image_files=dvdimage.v1.iso,dvdimage.v2.iso",size=6063.53hscroot@hmc01:~>
The name Virtual_IO_Server_Base_Install_4.1.0.0 is very long and should be changed to the shorter name VIOS_4.1.0.0:
LPAR-Tool$ hmc chviosimg hmc01 Virtual_IO_Server_Base_Install_4.1.0.0 new_name=VIOS_4.1.0.0$ HMC-CLIhscroot@hmc01:~> chviosimg -n Virtual_IO_Server_Base_Install_4.1.0.0 -o s -a new_name=VIOS_4.1.0.0hscroot@hmc01:~>