Under Construction
Installing an Ifix
We have already shown how an ifix can be installed. However, we did not pay attention to whether this ifix can be automatically remove during an update.
We will therefore show the installation here again, but this time we pay closer attention to the output, when installing the ifix:
# emgr -e 81112ma.240224.epkg.Z
Processing APAR reference file
APAR reference set to NONE. Interim fix is not enabled for automatic removal.
The output clearly shows that this ifix (OpenSSH ifix) cannot be removed automatically. There is no reference to an IBM APAR.
We install the second ifix (IJ50424s7a.240315.epkg.Z):
# emgr -e IJ50424s7a.240315.epkg.Z
Processing APAR reference file
ATTENTION: Interim fix is enabled for automatic removal by installp.
This ifix can be removed automatically during an update. However, which APAR must be contained in the update is not listed.
This information is of course also displayed during a preview installation (“-p”).
The output from installing the third ifix is not shown here.