8.3.1. Viewing Available Devices

The “vios lsdev” (list devices) command can be used to display devices on a virtual I/O server. If only the virtual I/O server is specified, all devices of the virtual I/O server are shown:

$ vios lsdev ms13-vio1
NAME        STATUS     PHYSLOC                         PARENT      DESCRIPTION
L2cache0    Available  -                               sysplanar0  L2 Cache
cache0      Defined    -                               -           SSD Cache virtual device
cengine0    Defined    -                               -           SSD Cache engine
cluster0    Available  -                               -           Cluster Node


The option ‘-t‘ can be used to restrict the output to a specified type of device, e.g. only devices of type disk:

$ vios lsdev -t disk ms13-vio1
NAME    STATUS     PHYSLOC                                          PARENT  DESCRIPTION
hdisk0  Available  U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P1-C49-L207762C200-L0          sas0    SAS 4K RAID 0 Disk Array
hdisk1  Available  U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P1-C49-L80775F5000-L0          sas0    SAS RAID 0 Disk Array
hdisk2  Available  U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P1-C49-L6077605A00-L0          sas0    SAS RAID 0 Disk Array
hdisk3  Available  U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P1-C7-T1-W500507680130A1C4-L0  fscsi4  MPIO IBM 2145 FC Disk
hdisk4  Available  U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P1-C7-T1-W50050768013098BC-L0  fscsi4  MPIO IBM 2145 FC Disk

Possible types for the ‘-t‘ option are:

      adapter - list adapters only
      disk - list disks only
      ent4ip - list adapters over which an interface can be configured
      ent4sea - list adapters available as target-device for SEA
      lv - list logical volumes and volume groups
      optical - list optical devices
      sea - list all SEAs over which an interface can be configured
      tape - list tape devices only
      tape4vtd - list tape devices available to create virtual target devices
      tty - list tty devices only
      usb_disk - list USB disks only
      vent4sea - list virtual ethernet adpaters available for SEA creation

Of course, devices can also be specified directly:

$ vios lsdev ms13-vio1 ent15
NAME   STATUS     PHYSLOC                         PARENT  DESCRIPTION
ent15  Available  U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P1-C11-T2-S3  pci6    PCIe3 10GbE SFP+ SR 4-port Converged Network Adapter VF (df1028e214100f04)

Or also with a unique suffix of the physical location code:

$ vios lsdev ms13-vio1 P1-C11-T2-S3
NAME   STATUS     PHYSLOC                         PARENT  DESCRIPTION
ent15  Available  U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P1-C11-T2-S3  pci6    PCIe3 10GbE SFP+ SR 4-port Converged Network Adapter VF (df1028e214100f04)

If the specified suffix is not unique, an error message is displayed together with a list of the possible devices:

$ vios lsdev ms13-vio1 P1-C7-T1
ERROR: 'P1-C7-T1' matches more than one device:
   vios [-h <hmc>] [-m <ms>] lsdev [-c] [-d] [{-o <format>|-f|-j|-y}] [-F <fields>] [-s <selections>] [-t <device_type>] <vios> [<device>|<physloc>]

In this case, both fcs4 and fscsi4 have the same physical location code P1-C7-T1. Instead of P1-C7-T1, fcs4 or fscsi4 can be specified, or alternatively the location code can be specified with a ‘/‘ and the device type fcs or fscsi:

$ vios lsdev ms13-vio1 P1-C7-T1/fcs
fcs4  Available  U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P1-C7-T1  pci1    PCIe3 4-Port 16Gb FC Adapter (df1000e314101406)

If the child devices for a device are to be displayed, the ‘-c‘ (child devices) option can be used:

$ vios lsdev -c ms13-vio1 sas0
NAME      STATUS     PHYSLOC                                  PARENT  DESCRIPTION
hdisk0    Available  U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P1-C49-L207762C200-L0  sas0    SAS 4K RAID 0 Disk Array
hdisk1    Available  U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P1-C49-L80775F5000-L0  sas0    SAS RAID 0 Disk Array
hdisk2    Available  U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P1-C49-L6077605A00-L0  sas0    SAS RAID 0 Disk Array
pdisk0    Available  U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P2-D3                  sas0    Physical SAS 4K Disk Drive
pdisk1    Available  U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P2-D2                  sas0    Physical SAS Disk Drive
pdisk2    Available  U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P2-D1                  sas0    Physical SAS Disk Drive
ses0      Available  U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P2-Y1                  sas0    SAS Enclosure Services Device
sfwcomm8  Available  -                                        sas0    SAS Storage Framework Comm

So-called Vital Product Data (VPD) can be displayed using the ‘-d‘ option:

$ vios lsdev -d ms13-vio1 fcs0
  fcs0             U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P1-C2-T1  PCIe3 4-Port 16Gb FC Adapter (df1000e314101406)
        Part Number.................01FT695
        Serial Number...............Y050GX06U00D
        EC Level....................P14609
        Customer Card ID Number.....578E
        FRU Number..................01FT699
        Device Specific.(ZM)........3
        Network Address.............100000108AA821D0
        Device Specific.(Z0)........0000000C
        Device Specific.(Z1)........00000001
        Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000
        Device Specific.(Z3)........08090000
        Device Specific.(Z4)........01000001
        Device Specific.(Z5)........2E323537
        Device Specific.(Z6)........2E323537
        Device Specific.(Z7)........C0022C40
        Device Specific.(Z8)........200000108AA821D0
        Device Specific.(Z9)........
        Device Specific.(ZA)........
        Device Specific.(ZB)........00000000
        Device Specific.(ZC)........00040000
        Device Specific.(ZD)........000000FF
        Hardware Location Code......U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P1-C2-T1
  Name:  fibre-channel
    Model:  01FT695
    Node:  fibre-channel@0
    Device Type:  fcp
    Physical Location: U78D3.001.VYR0AL4-P1-C2-T1

Most devices have a number of attributes, some of which can be changed by the administrator. The attributes of a device can be displayed with the command “vios lsattr” (list device attributes):

$ vios lsattr ms13-vio1 fcs0
ATTRIBUTE      VALUE         DESCRIPTION                                       USER_SETTABLE
DIF_enabled    no            DIF (T10 protection) enabled                        True
bus_mem_addr   0x80218000    Bus memory address                                  False
init_link      auto          INIT Link flags                                     False
intr_msi_1     42            Bus interrupt level                                 False
intr_priority  3             Interrupt priority                                  False
io_dma         256           IO_DMA                                              True
label          Fabric1_Prod  User defined Label                                  True+
lg_term_dma    0x800000      Long term DMA                                       True
max_xfer_size  0x400000      Maximum Transfer Size                               True
msi_type       msix          MSI Interrupt type                                  False
num_cmd_elems  3072          Maximum number of COMMANDS to queue to the adapter  True
num_io_queues  8             Desired number of IO queues                         True
srad_id        0             SRAD index                                          False

Here, too, a unique suffix of the physical location code can be used:

$ vios lsattr ms13-vio1 P1-C7-T1/fcs
ATTRIBUTE      VALUE             DESCRIPTION                                         USER_SETTABLE
DIF_enabled    no                DIF (T10 protection) enabled                        True
bus_mem_addr   0xc0218000        Bus memory address                                  False
init_link      auto              INIT Link flags                                     False
intr_msi_1     47                Bus interrupt level                                 False
intr_priority  3                 Interrupt priority                                  False
io_dma         256               IO_DMA                                              True
label          Fabric1_Prod_Nbg  User defined Label                                  True+
lg_term_dma    0x800000          Long term DMA                                       True
max_xfer_size  0x400000          Maximum Transfer Size                               True
msi_type       msix              MSI Interrupt type                                  False
num_cmd_elems  3072              Maximum number of COMMANDS to queue to the adapter  True
num_io_queues  8                 Desired number of IO queues                         True
srad_id        1                 SRAD index                                          False

If only a certain attribute is to be displayed, the desired attribute can simply be specified on the command line as a further argument:

$ vios lsattr ms13-vio1 fcs4 num_cmd_elems