Under Construction
Using YUM
With the help of YUM, RPM packages can be easily installed, uninstalled or listed. Queries about dependencies or searches for specific RPM packages are just as easy.
The commands and options provided by YUM can be displayed online with the help of “yum help“:
aix01 # yum help
Usage: yum [options] COMMAND
List of Commands:
check Check for problems in the rpmdb
check-update Check for available package updates
clean Remove cached data
deplist List a package's dependencies
distribution-synchronization Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions
downgrade downgrade a package
erase Remove a package or packages from your system
groups Display, or use, the groups information
help Display a helpful usage message
history Display, or use, the transaction history
info Display details about a package or group of packages
install Install a package or packages on your system
list List a package or groups of packages
load-transaction load a saved transaction from filename
makecache Generate the metadata cache
provides Find what package provides the given value
reinstall reinstall a package
repolist Display the configured software repositories
resolvedep Determine which package provides the given dependency
search Search package details for the given string
shell Run an interactive yum shell
update Update a package or packages on your system
upgrade Update packages taking obsoletes into account
version Display a version for the machine and/or available repos.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
aix01 #
The syntax of the individual commands can also be displayed by simply entering the desired command name after the command “help“, e.g. “yum help update“.