Under Construction
Installing the tar File (all derivatives)
Unzip the compressed tar file, for example in your home directory.
Example AIX:
$ gunzip pwrcmps.lpar.rte.
$ tar xvf pwrcmps.lpar.rte.
x Copyright, 108 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x LicenseAgreement, 273 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x hmc, 14065602 bytes, 27472 tape blocks
x ms, 14832670 bytes, 28971 tape blocks
x lpar, 15241792 bytes, 29770 tape blocks
x vios, 9230400 bytes, 18029 tape blocks
x sample.lpar.cfg, 542 bytes, 2 tape blocks
Example Linux:
$ gunzip pwrcmps-lpar-rte-1.7.0-1.x86_64.tar.gz
$ tar xvf pwrcmps-lpar-rte-1.7.0-1.x86_64.tar
Example MacOS:
$ gunzip pwrcmps.lpar.rte.
$ tar xvf pwrcmps.lpar.rte.
x Copyright
x LicenseAgreement
x hmc
x ms
x lpar
x vios
x sample.lpar.cfg
The Copyright and LicenseAgreement files contain information about copyright and license agreements.
The file sample.lpar.cfg contains a sample configuration. In most cases, however, there is no
configuration necessary. The remaining 4 files hmc, ms, lpar and vios represent the 4 commands of the LPAR-Tool.
These can be copied into any directory, which should be specified in the PATH variable of the shell. Many Unix users have a ~/bin directory with there own commands.
$ cp hmc ms lpar vios ~/bin
$ which hmc