2.4.2. The Command ms

The command ms (managed system) allows the administration of managed systems. Among other things, the following areas of administration are covered:

    • Management of virtual networks and switches
    • Administration of SR-IOV
    • Entering update access keys (UAK)
    • Status of managed systems
    • Power-on and power-off of managed systems
    • Dynamic Plattform Optimisation
    • Profile backups
    • View processor, memory, and I/O information

A complete list of the supported functions is displayed if the ms command is started without arguments:

$ ms
ms [ ...] [ ...] [ ...]ms -L|-V

Recognized keywords:
addvnetwork - Add virtual network
addvswitch - Add virtual switch
bkprofdata - Back up profile data
chattr - Change attributes
cheth - Changes virtual ethernet attributes of a managed system
chled - Change state of an LED
chlparmigr - Changes partition migration attributes of managed system
chlparutil - Change sample rate for utilization data collection
chmem - Change memory attributes
chprocpool - Change shared processor pool attributes
chsriov - Switch SR-IOV adapter either to dedicated or shared mode
flrt - List FLRT
chvnetwork - Change attributes of a virtual network
chvswitch - Change attributes of a virtual switch
enteruak - Enter new Update Access Key (UAC)
history - Show state or configuration changes
initprofdata - Initialize profile data
list - Show names for specified managed systems
lsattr - List attributes
lseth - Display virtual ethernet attributes of managed system
lsfc - List virtual FC informations
lsled - Display state of system attention LEDs
lslic - List LIC levels
lslparmigr - Display partition migration attributes of managed system
lslparutil - Show sample rate for utilization data collection
lsmem - Display informations about memory
lsmemopt - Show memory affinity scores
lsproc - Show processing resources
lsprocpool - Show shared processor pools
lsprofdata - Lists profile data backups
lspwrmgmt - Show power management settings
lsrefcode - List reference codes for a service processor
lsslot - List physical I/O slots
lssriov - List informations for SR-IOV adapters, physical ports or logical ports
lssysprof - List system profiles
lsunit - List physical I/O units
lsvnetwork - List virtual networks
lsvswitch - List virtual switches
mksysprof - Create system profile
procstat - Show physical processor pool utilization data
poweroff - Power off managed system
poweron - Power on managed system
rename - Rename managed system
rmprofdata - Remove profile data backup
rmsysprof - Remove system profile
rmvnetwork - Remove virtual network
rmvswitch - Remove virtual switch
rstprofdata - Restore profile data
show - Show basic informations
startmemopt - Start DPO or mirrored memory defragmentation
stopmemopt - Stop DPO or mirrored memory defragmentation
status - Display status of managed system
help [{||usage}]