2.4.4. The Command vios
The virtualization functions of the virtual I/O server can be administered with the vios (virtual I/O server) command. A direct login on the virtual I/O servers is not required. An active RMC connection between the virtual I/O server and the associated HMCs is sufficient.
- In particular, the following PowerVM functionalities of a virtual I/O server can be administered:
- Shared Ethernet Adapter (SEA)
- NPIV mappings
- SCSI mappings
- Virtual Optical Media Repository
- Storage Pools
- Link Aggregations
- Device management (display and setting of attributes)
Here, too, you can get a complete overview of the supported functions by starting the vios command without arguments:
$ vios
vios [ ...] [ ...] [ ...]vios -L|-V
Recognized keywords:
addfc - Add virtual FC server adapter
addlnaggadapter - Add adapter to Link Aggregation
addscsi - Add virtual SCSI server adapter
addsppv - Add physical volume to storage pool
cfgdev - Configures devices in the Virtual I/O Server
chdev - Changes the characteristics of a device
chkdev - Check devices for virtual device provisioning capability
chlnagg - Change Link Aggregation attributes
chmedia - Change virtual optical media
chrep - Change Virtual Media Repository
chbdsp - Change attributes of backing device
chsp - Change storage pool
cmd - Execute ioscli command
errlog - Display error log
fcstat - Show FC statistics
failoverlnagg - Failover Link Aggregation
ioslevel - Display the Virtual I/O Server level
list - Show names of specific virtual I/O servers
loadopt - Load virtual optical media into virtual optical device
lsattr - Show device attributes
lsbdsp - Show backing devices
lsdev - Show devices
lslnagg - Show Link Aggregation adapters
lsmedia - Show virtual optical media
lsnpiv - Show NPIV mappings
lsnports - List available NPIV capable ports
lspv - Display physical volume(s)
lsrep - Show Virtual Media Repository
lssea - Show shared Ethernet adapters
lssp - Show storage pool
lstcpip - Display TCP/IP settings and parameters
lsvopt - Show virtual optical devices
lsvscsi - Show VSCSI mappings
map - Map backing device to virtual SCSI server adapter
mkbdsp - Create and/or map backing device from storage pool
mklnagg - Create Link Aggregation adapter
mkmedia - Create virtual optical media disk
mkrep - Create Virtual Media Repository
mksea - Create Shared Ethernet Adapter
mksp - Create storage pool
mkvopt - Create virtual optical device
rmbdsp - Remove backing device
rmdev - Remove device from the system
rmfc - Remove virtual FC server adapter
rmlnagg - Remove Link Aggregation adapter
rmlnaggadapter - Remove adapter from Link Aggregation
rmmedia - Remove virtual optical media
rmrep - Remove Virtual Media Repository
rmscsi - Remove virtual SCSI server adapter
rmsea - Remove shared Ethernet adapter
rmsp - Remove file storage pool
rmsppv - Remove physical volume from storage pool
rmvopt - Remove virtual optical device
seastat - Show or clear SEA client statistics
show - Show basic informations
unloadopt - Remove virtual optical media from virtual optical device
unmap - Unmap backing device from virtual SCSI server adapter
vfcmap - Map virtual FC adapter to physical FC port
vfcunmap - Unmap virtual FC adapter from physical FC port
help [{||usage}]