2.4.5. The Online Documentation

All 4 commands offer a detailed online help. All functions are organized in categories, such as SCSI, SEA, memory, etc. Which categories are available for one of the 4 commands can be shown by using the argument (keyword) “help“, e.g.:

$ lpar help
Help is available for the following categories:

lpar help blueprint eth fc io led lic lpm
lpar help mem memory power proc processor prof profile
lpar help scsi serial sriov vnic

Specific help is available for each of the supported keywords:

lpar help <keyword>

For a complete list of all keywords try:

lpar help usage

All functions (keywords) that belong to a category can be displayed by specifying one of the available categories after the keyword “help“, here e.g. the category “mem” with the command lpar:

$ lpar help mem
USAGE: lpar [<option> ...] <keyword> [<option> ...] [<argument> ...]

Recognized keywords for topic 'mem' are:
[-h <hmc>] [-m <ms>] [-p <profile>] addmem [-d] [-f] [-l <detail_level>] [-w <wait_time>] [-v] <lpar> <mem>[k|K|m|M|g|G|t|T]
[-h <hmc>] [-m <ms>] [-p <profile>] chmem [-d] [-f] [-l <detail_level>] [-w <wait_time>] [-v] <lpar> <attributes> ...
[-h <hmc>] [-m <ms>] [-p <profile>|-H] lsmem [{-o <format>|-f|-j|-y}] [-F <fields>] [-s <selections>] [-v] [<lpar> ...]
[-h <hmc>] [-m <ms>] [-p <profile>] lsmemopt [{-o <format>|-f|-j|-y}] [-F <fields>] [-s <selections>] [-v] [<lpar> ...]
[-h <hmc>] [-m <ms>] [-p <profile>] rmmem [-d] [-f] [-l <detail_level>] [-w <wait_time>] [-v] <lpar> <mem>[k|K|m|M|g|G|t|T]

Detailed information on a specific function (keyword) can be obtained through “help” and the specification of the keyword, here e.g. for the keyword “chmem“:

$ lpar help chmem
lpar [-h <hmc>] [-m <ms>] [-p <profile>] chmem [-d] [-f] [-l <detail_level>] [-w <wait_time>] [-v] <lpar> <attributes> ...


Change memory attributes for an LPAR. If no option '-d' or '-p' is
specified, the command tries to change the attributes by a DLPAR
operation and by changing the current profile.
Since most of the attributes are either valid only for DLPAR or
the profile, but not both, this makes changing memory related attributes
somewhat complicated. To ease usage, the following filtering is applied:
- If a specified attribute can not be changed by a DLPAR operation, the
attribute is skipped from the DLPAR operation.
- If a specified attribute can not be changed in a profile, the attribute
is skipped from the operation.
When skipping attibutes, a hint is shown to the user!

-d : only DLPAR operation, don't update profile
-f : force operation, even if there is no RMC connection
-l : level of detail (1-4)
-p : update the specified profile only
-w : time (minutes) to wait for operation to finish

valid attributes for DLPAR and profile:
0 - disable memory expansion (profile only)
1.00 to 10.00 - memory expansion factor

valid attributes for DLPAR only:
0 - disable hardware-accelerated encryption
1 - enable hardware-accelerated encryption
0 - disable hardware-accelerated memory expansion
1 - enable hardware-accelerated memory expansion

valid attributes for profile only:
mem_mode : memory sharing mode
ded - dedicated memory
shared -shared memory
min_mem : minimum number of megabytes
desired_mem : desired number of megabytes
max_mem : maximum number of megabytes
min_num_huge_pages : minimum number of huge pages (only AIX and Linux)
desired_num_huge_pages : desired number of huge pages (only AIX and Linux)
max_num_huge_pages : maximum number of huge pages (only AIX and Linux)


When the attribute 'mem_expansion' is set to '0', to disable active memory
expansion, the value of '0' is replaced by '1.0' in a DLPAR operation, since
active memory expansion can only be disabled in the profile.
Although the attribute 'desired_mem' is valid only in a profile, it is
interpreted as meaning the current amount of memory in a DLPAR operation.
The values for 'min_mem', 'desired_mem' and 'max_mem' can be specified with
a suffix indicating KB, MB, GB or TB. See 'lpar help addmem' for an overview
of the possibles suffixes.


Change memory expansion factor of LPAR lpar01 to 1.25:,
lpar chmem lpar01 mem_expansion=1.25

Turn off memory expansion for LPAR lpar01:,
lpar chmem lpar01 mem_expansion=0
(Memory expansion is turned off in the current profile, and is set to 1.0
by the DLPAR operation.)

Turn on hardware-accelerated memory expansion dynamically on for LPAR lpar03:
lpar chmem -d lpar03 hardware_mem_expansion=1 # or
lpar chmem lpar03 hardware_mem_expansion=1
(Since 'hardware_mem_expansion' is only valid for a DLPAR operation, the update
of the current profile is simply skipped in the second case!)

Change in profile 'standard' of lpar01 the memory sharing mode to 'shared',
and the maximum memory size to 16 gigabytes:
lpar -p standard chmem lpar01 mem_mode=shared max_mem=16G


In addition to an overview of the syntax, there is a brief description of the functionality for each keyword. A list and description of the available options and attributes of the command, as well as a number of examples, which show ho to use the keyword.