PowerCampus 01
Home of the LPAR-Tool
Virtualization with PowerVM > The Hardware Management Console > IBM Electronic Service Agent (ESA) > Managing Customer Information
Information about the account can also be set using the “hmc chcustinfo” command. In most cases, providing the customer number is sufficient:
$ hmc chcustinfo hmc02 acct_customer_num=123456$
Additionally, if available, the enterprise number can also be stored
$ hmc chcustinfo hmc02 acct_enterprise_num=1234$
The account information can be displayed with the “-a” (account information) option of the “hmc lscustinfo” command:
$ hmc lscustinfo -a CUSTOMER ENTERPRISE SALES SERVICE HMC NUM NUM OFFICE OFFICE AREAhmc01 123456 - null null nullhmc02 123456 1234 null null null$