Under Construction

Administrator and System Information

Providing contact information for the administrator and the HMC allows IBM Support to reach the right person for problems reported through Call-Home. The “hmc lscustinfo” command can be used to display administrator information for one or more HMCs:

$ hmc lscustinfo
         COMPANY        ADMIN               POSTAL                                            
HMC      NAME           NAME   CTRY  STATE  CODE    CITY   ADDR              PHONE             EMAIL
hmc01    PowerCampus    admin  DE    null   85625   Glonn  Wiesmuehlstr. 25  +49 8093 XXXXXX   support@powercampus.de
hmc02    null           null   null  null   null    null   null              null              null

By default, only the mandatory fields (attributes) are displayed. The special value “null” is displayed for attributes that are not set. The information has already been stored for the HMC hmc01 in the sample output. No information about the administrator has been set for the second HMC (hmc02).

The location information of the HMC itself can be listed using the -c (System Console) option. By default, only the required fields (attributes) are displayed here:

$ hmc lscustinfo -c
         ADMIN                POSTAL                                  
HMC      INFO   CTRY  STATE   CODE     CITY     ADDR                PHONE
hmc01    1      (DE)  (null)  (85625)  (Glonn)  (Wiesmuehlstr. 25)  (+49 8093 XXXXXX)
hmc02    0      null  null    null     null     null                null

Note: If the administrator information was adopted as system information, the values are in brackets.

If you want to see all attributes, including optional attributes, you can use the “-f” option, for example:

$ hmc lscustinfo -f hmc01
      acct_area = null
      acct_customer_num = XXXXXX
      acct_enterprise_num = null
      acct_sales_office = null
      acct_service_office = null
      admin_addr = Wiesmuehlstr. 25
      admin_addr2 = null
      admin_alt_fax = null
      admin_alt_phone = null
      admin_city = Glonn
      admin_company_name = PowerCampus
      admin_country = DE
      admin_email = support@powercampus.de
      admin_fax = null
      admin_name = admin
      admin_phone = +49 8093 XXXXXX
      admin_postal_code = 85625
      admin_state = null
      hmc = hmc01
      sys_use_admin_info = 1

If the contact information for the system and the administrator match, the sys_use_admin_info attribute can be set to the value “1”. The administrator’s information is then adopted for the system (HMC). This has the advantage that the information does not have to be provided twice.

The contact information can be specified using the “hmc chcustinfo” command. All attributes are listed with a short description in the online help of the command (“hmc help chcustinfo”). If required attributes have not yet been set, then they must be specified, otherwise the command results in an error message, as the following example shows:

$ hmc chcustinfo hmc02 admin_country=DE
hmc02: chsacfg -t custinfo -o set -i 'admin_country=DE'
ERROR: remote HMC command returned an error (1)
StdErr: One or more required attributes are missing or have invalid attribute values.  The missing or invalid attributes are admin_company_name=null.  Please correct the configuration data and retry the command.

In the following we use the administrator information also as system (HMC) information and specify all the necessary attributes in one command:

$ hmc chcustinfo hmc02 \
 admin_company_name=PowerCampus \
 admin_name=admin \
 admin_addr="Wiesmuehlstr. 25" \
 admin_city=Glonn \
 admin_country=DE \
 admin_postal_code=85625 \
 admin_phone="+49 8093 XXXXXX" \
 admin_email=support@powercampus.de \

A quick check shows that the information provided was correctly accepted by the HMC:

$ hmc lscustinfo
         COMPANY        ADMIN               POSTAL                                            
HMC      NAME           NAME   CTRY  STATE  CODE    CITY   ADDR              PHONE             EMAIL
hmc01    PowerCampus    admin  DE    null   85625   Glonn  Wiesmuehlstr. 25  +49 8093 XXXXXX   support@powercampus.de
hmc02    PowerCampus    admin  DE    null   85625   Glonn  Wiesmuehlstr. 25  +49 8093 XXXXXX   support@powercampus.de

If the administrator information is not to be used as system information (sys_use_admin_info=0), then the necessary attributes for the system must also be specified:

$ hmc chcustinfo hmc02 \
 admin_company_name=PowerCampus \
 admin_name=admin \
 admin_addr="Wiesmuehlstr. 25" \
 admin_city=Glonn \
 admin_country=DE \
 admin_postal_code=85625 \
 admin_phone="+49 8093 XXXXXX" \
 admin_email=support@powercampus.de \
hmc02: chsacfg -t custinfo -o set -i 'admin_addr=Wiesmuehlstr. 25,admin_city=Glonn,admin_company_name=PowerCampus,admin_email=support@powercampus.de,admin_name=admin,admin_phone=+49 8093 XXXXXX,admin_postal_code=85625,sys_use_admin_info=0'
ERROR: remote HMC command returned an error (1)
StdErr: One or more required attributes are missing.  The missing attributes are sys_use_admin_info=0 and (sys_phone and sys_addr and sys_city and sys_country and sys_state and sys_postal_code), where sys_state is limited by the sys_country selected.  Please correct the configuration data and retry the command.

For example, the more precise installation location of the HMC can be stored using the additional address attribute admin_addr2 or sys_addr2:

$ hmc chcustinfo hmc02 admin_addr2=”Rack 2”

The admin_alt_phone attribute allows you to specify an additional telephone number.