Connecting a Power 10 eBMC system to an HMC

This blog post will show how to connect a Power 10 eBMC managed system to an HMC. The necessary steps are shown once with the LPAR tool and then with the HMC CLI.

The HMC is configured as a DHCP server on the private network.

As soon as the managed system is connected to the HMC via one of the two HMC ports, the eBMC is assigned an IP address via DHCP from the HMC. The managed system can then be displayed using lssysconn:

$ hmc lssysconn hmc01
MTMS                STATE                                               TYPE      IPADDR        ALT_IPADDR   SP       SP_TYPE  SP_PHYS_LOC
0000-BMC*101272558  Pending Authentication - Password Updates Required  sys  unavailable  -        ebmc     -
hscroot@hmc01:~> lssysconn -r all
resource_type=sys,type_model_serial_num=9105-22B*89B34G2,sp_type=ebmc,ipaddr=,user_name=admin,alt_ipaddr=unavailable,state=Pending Authentication - Password Updates Required

The new Power 10 server can be clearly identified by its “Pending Authentication” state. As long as there is no connection to the HMC, eBMC systems are not displayed with their machine type, model and serial number. Instead, 0000 is used as the machine type, BMC is used instead of a model and the assigned IP address without decimal points is used instead of a serial number, resulting in 0000-BMC-101272558 in the above case.

The status “Pending Authentication” means that no password has yet been set for the eBMC user (admin). This can be done using chsyspwd. The managed system can be specified either via the IP address (here or the MTMS (here 0000-BMC-101272558):

$ hmc chsyspwd hmc01
Enter the new password: XXXXXXXXXX
Retype the new password: XXXXXXXXXX
Shared connection to hmc01 closed.
state of system connection is 'No Connection' waiting vor 'Connected' (17 trials remaining)
state of system connection is 'No Connection' waiting vor 'Connected' (16 trials remaining)
   Server-9105-22B-89B34G2(89B34G2) - 'Power Off'
hscroot@hmc01:~> chsyspwd -u admin -m 0000-BMC*102552558
Enter the new password: XXXXXXXXXX
Retype the new password: XXXXXXXXXX

The password is requested interactively.

After a while, the connection status changes to “Connected“, which can be easily checked using lssysconn.

For eBMC systems and the use of DHCP, the network interfaces used by the VMI must be reconfigured from static IPs to DHCP:

$ ms chvmi ms12 eth0 ipv4dhcp
$ ms chvmi ms12 eth1 ipv4dhcp
hscroot@hmc01:~> chsysconn -r vmi -m ms12 -o set -i eth0 -t ipv4dhcp
hscroot@hmc01:~> chsysconn -r vmi -m ms12 -o set -i eth1 -t ipv4dhcp

The managed system can then be powered on:

$ ms poweron ms12
hscroot@hmc01:~> chsysstate -m ms12 -r sys -o on

For a more detailed description, see Connecting a Managed System (eBMC) as a DHCP Client.