Download AIX ISO images from IBM

This post shows how to download AIX installation ISO images from the IBM Entitled Systems Support website. A valid IBMid and a current IBM software maintenance agreement (SWMA) are required for the download. As an example we show the download of the AIX installation ISO images for AIX 7.2 TL5. However, ISO images for other AIX versions or other software, e.g. PowerHA, can also be downloaded in the same way.

AIX and other software can be downloaded from the IBM Entitled Systems Support website. The URL for the website is:

IBM Entitled Systems Support (ESS)
Click on “Log in” to log into IBM Entitled Systems Support (ESS)

In order to log in, you need a valid IBMid and a valid software maintenance contract. After clicking on the blue “Log in” button, a login mask appears.

Entitled Systems Support (ESS) Log in
Specify the IBMid and then click the “Continue” button.

After entering a valid IBMid and confirming with the “Continue” button, you will be asked for a password.

Entitled Systems Support (ESS) Password
After entering the password, log in with the “Log in” button.

After entering the password, the main page of Entitled Systems Support appears.

Entitled Systems Support
“My Entitled Software” can be selected to download software.

“My Entitled Software” should be selected to download software.

ESS My Entitled Software
To download AIX or other software, the “Software Downloads” link must be selected.

From the displayed selection of options, the “Software Downloads” link should be clicked.

ESS Software Downloads
Select category “AIX” and group “V7R2 (GA)” for AIX 7.2. Then click on the magnifying glass.

The software to be downloaded can be selected either by specifying the category, or the machine type, or by directly selecting a product. We show the variant “By category”, by selecting the category “AIX” and the desired version “V7R2 (GA)” for AIX 7.2.

ESS AIX 7.2 TL Support
To download a specific AIX 7.2 TL, “AIX 7.2 TL support” should be selected and then the selection should be confirmed with the “Continue” button.

From the list of available “AIX 7.2” products, “AIX 7.2 TL support” should be selected.

Select the AIX 7.2 TLs 05 and confirm with “Continue”.

From the list of available packages, the package for the desired TL (AIX 7.2 TL05) should be selected. Pressing the “Continue” button confirms the selection.

Before the software can finally be downloaded, IBM’s general terms and conditions must be confirmed.

ESS Software Downloads Terms and Conditions
The general terms and conditions must be confirmed here.

Next you have to select whether the download should be done via the browser or with the help of the download director. We have decided to download using a browser.

ESS Software Download method
We select download with the browser and confirm with “Continue”.

Next, the available images are displayed. We select the install images “AIX v7.2 Install DVD 1”, “AIX v7.2 Install DVD 2” and “AIX v7.2 Install flash”.

ESS Software Download Start
Start the download of the AIX 7.2 TL5 ISO images by clicking “AIX v7.2 Install DVD 1” and “AIX v7.2 Install DVD 2”.

The progress of the download can be followed via the browser:

ESS Software Download Progress
Download progress via the browser.

PowerHA, PowerVM or any other software can be downloaded in the same way via IBM Entitled Systems Support (ESS). However, a valid software maintenance contract for the corresponding software is always required.

LPAR tool: Console

lpar console

A console can be opened for an LPAR at any time using the LPAR tool:

$ lpar console lpar01
Open in progress
Open completed.
PowerPC Firmware
SMS 1.7 (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000,2008 All rights reserved.
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Main Menu
1. Select Language
2. Setup Remote IPL (Initial Program Load)
3. Change SCSI Settings
4. Select Console
5. Select Boot Options

To terminate a console session, the escape sequence “~.” used.

Some LPAR tool commands support opening a console via the “-c” (console) option:

    • Activating an LPAR with “lpar activate -c“.
    • Shutting down an LPAR with “lpar shutdown -c“.
    • Shutting down the operating system with “lpar osshutdown -c“.
    • Initiating a system dump for an LPAR with “lpar dumprestart -c“.

A presentation on the subject can be found here: Console with the LPAR tool