LPAR tool: Console

A console can be opened for an LPAR at any time using the LPAR tool:

$ lpar console lpar01
Open in progress
Open completed.
PowerPC Firmware
SMS 1.7 (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000,2008 All rights reserved.
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Main Menu
1. Select Language
2. Setup Remote IPL (Initial Program Load)
3. Change SCSI Settings
4. Select Console
5. Select Boot Options

To terminate a console session, the escape sequence “~.” used.

Some LPAR tool commands support opening a console via the “-c” (console) option:

    • Activating an LPAR with “lpar activate -c“.
    • Shutting down an LPAR with “lpar shutdown -c“.
    • Shutting down the operating system with “lpar osshutdown -c“.
    • Initiating a system dump for an LPAR with “lpar dumprestart -c“.

A presentation on the subject can be found here: Console with the LPAR tool

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