When migrating LPARs using LPM onto a somewhat older hardware, the following error can occur:
HSCLB504 The migrating partition cannot use hardware-accelerated Active Memory Expansion on the destination managed system because the destination managed system does not support hardware-accelerated Active Memory Expansion.
This means that Active Memory Erweiterung (AME) is activated for the LPAR, but is not supported on the destination managed system.
Disabling Active Memory Expansion using the LPAR-Tool is easy:
$ lpar -d chmem lpar01 hardware_mem_expansion=0 $
Without the LPAR-Tool this is of course also possible. Log into your HMC and use the following command from the commandoline:
chhwres -m ms01 -r mem -o s -p lpar01 -a 'hardware_mem_expansion=0'
Afterwards validation and migration using LPM should work.