HMC Error #25B810

Managing and administrating service events is often forgotten on HMCs. In this article we want to use a concrete example, error with reference code #25B810, to show how to handle such events. Of course, our LPAR tool is used here.

First, let’s find all open service events:

$ hmc lssvcevents
TIME                 PROBLEM  PMH   HMC     REFCODE   STATE     STATUS  CALLHOME  FAILING_MTMS      TEXT                                         
02/13/2019 23:02:31  7        -     hmc01   #25B810   approved  Open    false     8231-E2B/06A084P  File System alert event occurred...          
02/16/2019 16:14:28  8        -     hmc01   B3030001  approved  Open    false     8231-E2B/06A084P  ACT04284I A Management Console connect failed
02/11/2019 16:12:43  37       -     hmc02   B3030001  approved  Open    false     8231-E2B/06A084P  ACT04284I A Management Console connect failed
02/11/2019 17:43:19  38       -     hmc02   B3030001  approved  Open    false     8231-E2B/06A084P  ACT04283I A connection to a FSP,BPA...  

This article is about the problem with the number 7. The problem was noted on 13.02.2019 at 23:02:31, and examined by the HMC with the name hmc01. The error code is #25B810. The problem is in the “open” state, a call home has not been triggered. For further information, please refer to the problem on the managed system with serial number 06A084P, a Power 710 (8231-E2B). The beginning of the error message can be found in the last column.

First, let’s look at the whole record of the problem by specifying the problem number and HMC:

$ hmc lssvcevents -p 7 hmc01
analyzing_hmc: hmc01
analyzing_mtms: 7042-CR8/21009CD
approval_state: approved
callhome_intended: false
created_time: 02/14/2019 04:11:31
duplicate_count: 0
eed_transmitted: false
enclosure_mtms: 8231-E2B/06A084P
event_severity: 0
event_time: 02/13/2019 23:02:31
failing_mtms: 8231-E2B/06A084P
files: iqyymrge.log/Consolidated system platform log,
iqyvpd.dat/Configuration information associated with the HMC,
actzuict.dat/Tasks performed,
iqyvpdc.dat/Configuration information associated with the HMC,
problems.xml/XML version of the problems opened on the HMC for the HMC and the server,
refcode.dat/list of reference codes associated with the hmc,
iqyylog.log/HMC firmware log information,
PMap.eed/Partition map, obtained from 'lshsc -w -c machine',
hmc.eed/HMC code level obtained from 'lshmc -V' and connection information obtained from 'lssysconn -r all',
sys.eed/Output of various system configuration commands,
8231-E2B_06A084P.VPD.xml/Configuration information associated with the managed system
first_time: 02/14/2019 04:11:31
last_time: 02/14/2019 04:11:31
problem_num: 7
refcode: #25B810
reporting_mtms: 8231-E2B/06A084P
reporting_name: p710
status: Open
sys_mtms: 8231-E2B/06A084P
sys_name: p710
sys_refcode: #25B810
text: File System alert event occurred on /home/ios/CM/DB. Free space is less than 10%, or there was an error querying the filesystem.

At the end of the issue we find the unabbreviated error message. It’s about a file system that has less than 10% free space. The path “/home/ios/CM/DB” indicates a virtual I/O server. The relevant virtual I/O servers are located on the managed system with the serial number 06A084P:

$ ms show 06A084P
p710  06A084P     8231-E2B    hmc01,hmc02

It is the managed system named, p710. The managed system includes the following virtual I/O servers:

$ vios -m p710 show
aixvio1  1   06A084P1  vioserver  p710  hmc01,hmc02

A check of the error report on the Virtual I/O Server aixvio1 shows the following entry:


Date/Time:       Wed Feb 13 22:02:31 CST 2019
Sequence Number: 98
Machine Id:      00F6A0844C00
Node Id:         aixvio1
Class:           O
Type:            INFO
WPAR:            Global
Resource Name:   /home/ios/CM/DB 

Informational Message

Probable Causes
Asynchronous Event Occurred

Failure Causes

        Recommended Actions
        Check Detail Data

Detail Data
Alert Event Message
A File System alert event occurred on /home/ios/CM/DB. Free space is less than 10%, or there was an error querying the filesystem.

Diagnostic Analysis
Diagnostic Log sequence number: 19
Resource tested:        sysplanar0
Menu Number:            25B810

 File System alert event occurred on /home/ios/CM/DB. Free space is less than 10%, or there was an error querying the filesystem.

A quick check of the file system shows that the problem has already been resolved, and there is enough space:

$ df -g
Filesystem    GB blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd1           0.25      0.16   35%      111     1% /home

So the problem does not exist anymore. Therefore, the service event on the HMC should also be closed, which we do now:

$ hmc chsvcevent -o close -p 7 hmc01

For review we list the open service events:

$ hmc lssvcevents 
TIME                 PROBLEM  PMH   HMC     REFCODE   STATE     STATUS  CALLHOME  FAILING_MTMS      TEXT                                         
02/16/2019 16:14:28  8        -     hmc01   B3030001  approved  Open    false     8231-E2B/06A084P  ACT04284I A Management Console connect failed
02/11/2019 16:12:43  37       -     machmc  B3030001  approved  Open    false     8231-E2B/06A084P  ACT04284I A Management Console connect failed
02/11/2019 17:43:19  38       -     machmc  B3030001  approved  Open    false     8231-E2B/06A084P  ACT04283I A connection to a FSP,BPA...   

The event with the number 7 was closed successfully.

Service events are easy to manage with the LPAR tool!

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